2 □ Come Again

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It didn't seem to be a coincidence that the same tall, lanky redhead who went by the name Tendou Satori, came back to the same cafe regularly. On my sift at that. "Good day Master! Please allow me to take you to a seat," I cheerily say to the deep redhead. He only nods at me and follows.

I pull out his chair for him and push it in as he sits down. "Here's our menu Master. I'll be back in just a bit to take your order!" I say as I walk away to take care of other customers. Despite becoming a regular, he picks a different drink every time. It was a mocha at first, a cappuccino the second, a drip coffee the third.

Why I cared to pay attention to him was also a mystery to me. But it almost seemed like he was paying special attention to me too. I still hadn't made an effort to contact him outside of work though. It was a little unnerving knowing that he took an immediate interest in me. I go around making sure everybody is satisfactly taken care of and return to Tendou. "Hello Master, are you ready to order?" I ask.

"Yes, I would like to get a white mocha frap please," he says, handing me the menu. "I'll be right back with your order Master," I remind him with a closed-eye smile. I head to the back of the cafe to give the order to my coworker. "Is that hot redhead here again Y/N?" Yuuji asks me. "Don't call him hot, but yeah," I answer him with a sigh.

"You should totally call him then! I've only ever seen him around here when you're here. That's gotta mean something," he points out. I sigh again, "But does it really?" I ask rhetorically, giving him an are-you-sure? look. He nods his head and proceeds to make Tendou's drink.

"Like, I want to contact him! But at the same time, do I really want to put in the effort for somebody who might just be trying to get up my skirt?" I complain. Yuuji gives me a look as he puts the ingredients into the blender. "That's why you text him to find out! Just be straightforward and see where things go," he advises me before pressing the high-power button.

The sound of the blender drives me further away from where I once stood. The blender stops and the sound of frothy liquid makes me turn my head back to Yuuji. "Yuu, I don't know what to do~" I drag out the 'do' while dropping my forehead against the table. "I already told you what you should do. I'm not gonna repeat myself," he reminds me sounding slightly irritated.

"Fine! I'll do it tonight then!" I say as loud as I can without the customers having a chance of also hearing me. "And if it turns out that he is just trying to get up your skirt, I'll beat him up for ya!" Yuuji says with a friendly smile while handing me Tendou's drink. I laugh at his unknown threat towards Tendou. "Thanks Yuu," I say grabbing the drink.

Yuuji grabs my wrist across the counter and we make eye contact. "And if he really is just trying to get into your pants, I'm always available," Yuuji tells me seriously. I blush at his straight-forwardness. "You know company policy," I whisper turning my head away. "I know, but we go to the same school so it doesn't even relate to work! Plus, I'm just offering, not forcing you Y/N," he tells me.

I sigh again. "I know, you're too much of a flirt ya know that Yuu?" I tease with a giggle. "Only for you," he flirts again, adding a wink this time. I laugh, "Okay, okay, I need to get back to work," I say holding off a laughing fit. I finally leave the back room and deliver Tendou's drink. "Please enjoy your drink master!" I cheer. He takes a sip nodding at the flavor.

"Who made this drink?" he asks. "My coworker did, Master," I smile. "Please tell them that it's good," he comments almost dryly. "Thank you, I will Master," I respond. Could he have heard my conversation with Yuuji? No, it's best not to assume. I take a quick round of the dining area picking up deserted plates, cups, and silverware.

I go to the back to give my other coworker the dishes. "Thank you L/N," she says taking the dishes from me. "No problem Nametsu," I reply. She goes to a different school called Date Technical.  She's the manager for the volleyball team and because Yuuji plays volleyball I hear about most of what happens at the tournaments. "Hey Yuuji!" I call out, not seeing him. "Yeah!?" he shouts from the storage room.

"Tendou wanted to thank you for the drink," I relate his message to Yuuji. "Oh, he's quite welcome," Yuuji replies with surprise. I nod and go back out to take care of the customers. After saying goodbye to a customer I whirl around only to bump into a chest. I back up a bit, "Oh, I'm sorry Master-" I say before I look up, only to see Tendou.

"It's alright," he replies while staring me in the eyes. He then leans down towards me and I think he's trying to kiss me. I put my hands on his shoulders shutting my eyes. "Please don't-" he cuts me off only whispering in my ear. "Please text me. I'm not trying to get up your skirt," he reiterates my words. I blush profusely and he stands straight and tall again.

"Have a good day, L/N," he teases my name. He walks past me towards the door. I'm still flustered but remember that I'm still working. "Come again! . . . " I trail off, "Master," I whisper the last part as the door closes, ringing the bell above the door frame. Why the friggin frick frack did he have such an immense effect on me!?

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now