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"Ushijima, have you seen Satori lately?" I ask the stoic ace. "No, not since last week," Ushijima replies. "Alright, thanks," I bow my head respectively and return to my spot along the wall. "Any word from Tendou-kun?" coach Saitou asks me. I shake my head sadly. "No, and if Ushijima is being honest then Tendou hasn't contacted him either," I sigh. "Alright, thank you," he nods.

I feel remorse in my heart, a pain that can only be described by losing someone close to you. Satori had been missing since the night of our little sneak out. And while he was able to answer my question that night, I couldn't seem to form the words and return the favor.

That night~

Tendou sighs, thinking for a moment. "I'm assuming you mean if you're more than a friend," he says. I nod my head in response. "I'd be lying if I said I don't like you, both as a friend and more than a friend," he reveals and my heart skips a beat. "But the question is, who am I to you, Y/N?" he fires back. I wasn't expecting him to ask me at all.

His stare lingers on my scrunched-up face, probably wondering what's going through my head. "It's alright if you can't answer me now Y/N-chan, there's time," he says sadly. My face bolts up as he stands, leaving enough money on the table for our bill. "I'll see you around," he says without another word or gesture. He just, leaves.


"L/N-chan, look out!" I hear Kawanishi's voice echo throughout the gym as I'm lost in thought. When I look up it's too late to stop the volleyball from colliding with my face. My reaction is almost nothing, besides the slight scowl on my mouth. "Y/N-senpai! You're bleeding!" Goshiki yells at me. I can see both Yamagata and Ohira recoil in pain as they take a glance at my face. The blood slowly trickles out of my nostrils and towards my lips.

"I'm so sorry Y/N-chan!" Semi rushes over to me, holding his arms up hesitantly. I blink, just trying to comprehend the situation. I don't speak but just stand in silence. "Ushijima, take her to the nurse's office," coach Washijou instructs, glancing at me briefly before turning back to delegate the teammates while Ushijima is gone. He nods, walking over, and picks me up bridal-style. "I can walk-"

"Let me take care of you. Tendou would get mad," Ushijima speaks softly. I look into his eyes, gently resting my head on his shoulder. "Thank you," I whisper. He replies with a grunt, and it sounds kind in its very own way. My upperclassmen seems to lift me like a ten-pound dumbbell as we escalate up the stairs. I guess I always underestimated his strength; as well as his kindness.

We stop in front of the door and I slide it open for the both of us. He turns around to face the door again and I close it. He turns back towards the beds that rest aside and against the walls. "There's nobody here. I'll stay till you're ready to go back," Ushijima says as he sets me down on one of the beds. Before I can respond, he grabs a tissue and rolls it up, splitting it in half, and hands it to me.

"Thank you Ushijima, I owe you one," I say, sounding congested from the tissue. "You don't owe me anything. You're one of the few people who treats me normally. That's enough for me," he says. I blink a few times, smiling at him as he sits beside me on the bed. "I'm glad," I smile sadly, feeling a sudden clench in my heart. Tendou's still gone but his best friend is sitting here right next to me. It's only a reminder that he's not here with me.

"I want to thank you for being kind to me as well. I often get discriminated for certain reasons," I avoid his gaze, realizing I almost revealed where I work. I don't need any more volleyball-addicted, cute, and interested boys than I already have at the cafe. I sigh, hoping he won't question me. "What are some things you get discriminated about?" he queries and I curse myself for speaking too soon.

"Can you keep it a secret?" I ask humbly. "Depends on what it is," he replies. "Well then I'm not telling you!" I huff, irritated that he's making this dependent on me. "Alright, I'll keep it a secret then," he complies. I take a deep breath, flushing slightly. "I work at a neko maid cafe," I admit quietly. My eyes drag themselves to look at his face, and I catch him staring blankly. "Wh-what!?" I exclaim, leaning away from him.

"You didn't strike me as the type," he furrows his brows with an interesting pout. "Well look who's stereotyping now," I chuckle, his eyebrows raise in response. "What do you mean?" Ushijima asks me. I smile softly, recalling the first time I met Satori. "When Satori first came to the cafe, I thought he was a serious creep. Maybe in college looking for a hookup," I admit sheepishly. Ushijima nods and allows me to continue.

"But when I talked to my co-workers about him, and how I was concerned for his interest in me, he heard. He told me to my face that he wasn't trying to get into my skirt. I guess that's when I knew I could trust him," I admit, a blush adorning my skin everywhere it's visible. "That's a very interesting way to know that you trust someone," Ushijima blurts. "I know," I chuckle, "It's just that every other guy has been an absolute flirt when trying to get with me. I want to spend time on a relationship and get to know the person," I sigh.

"That's understandable," he mutters. I pull the soaked tissues out of my nose and wait to see if I need more thinned trees shoved into my body. "I'm good now, we can go back," I tell him and we stand, walking back to the gym. I've realized I've become more open with myself and others. It's weird how Satori's affected my life. I'm sure I'll be able to give him an answer when he returns.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now