5 □ Shiratorizawa

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I can do this. I'll be okay. It'll be fine. Just find Tendou, and survive the day. I step past the threshold of the school grounds and feel an extremely intense aura settle on my shoulders like a million-pound weight.

Nobody told me that this school would be this intense. I continue at a slower pace, my body slumped over. I bump into something, my neck cracks and I recoil in pain, squatting down. "Owwwwww," I whine. I look up at the thing I came in contact with, more so it isn't a thing, it's a really tall, stalky guy. And he's cute on top of that. "Are you severely injured?" he asks with a monotonic voice, not considerate at all. "No-"

"Good, then watch where you're going next time," he warns. I blink, twice. "S-sorry," I croak trying to keep the tears from spilling into my eyes. "Wakatoshi-kun are you scaring another stu-" Tendou stops his sentence and looks down at me. "Y/N-chan!" he gleams.

"Wakatoshi!" Tendou puts his hands on his hips. The said male looks at his friend slightly confused. "You're being mean to my poor Kitty Cat!?" he exclaims, bending down to my level. "You okay Kitty?" he whispers to me, lifting my face in his hands. "I wasn't mean to her, she walked into me. I was just telling her to be more observant," he defends himself.

"Don't be so blunt next time! Y/N-chan is precious!" he stresses, pulling me against him securely. I flush red feeling his warm body against mine. "You're squishing her," Wakatoshi points out. "So what? Y/N-chan is mine to squish," he retorts. I think Tendou is trying to tell Wakatoshi to back off?

"Okay Tendou. I'm sorry Y/N," Wakatoshi apologizes to me. "It's alright. I forgive you. And I'm sorry for running into you too," I reply. Tendou stands up, bringing me with him and holding me close. "There, all better," Tendou grins. "Ushijima this is L/N, L/N this is Ushijima," Tendou continues by introducing us.

My hand sticks out automatically. "Hello Ushijima-kun, sorry we didn't get to properly meet," I say. He lightly grasps my hand. "Nice to meet you," he replies curtly. After our hands release Tendou pulls my front flush against his front, holding me close. My face is buried against him, his arm blocks my view of Ushijima. As I stay still, I allow my nose to breathe in his scent, my cheeks summoning blood and showing it.

I don't know what's going on behind me but I may have a clue. "What class are you in Kitty?" Tendou asks me pulling me away only a little to get a look at my face. I feel as if he's my boyfriend trying to take care of me. "2-A," I say just above a whisper, blushing furiously. "Okie dokie I'll walk ya there!" he says all chipper and excited.

I catch him glaring at Ushijima one last time before wrapping his arm around my shoulders and leading us away. We get out of Ushijima's sight before he speaks again. "Wakatoshi-kun isn't very good with his words. He's very blunt and curt; always honest," Tendou informs me. I hum and nod in response. "If he ever gives you a hard time let me know okay?" he looks down at me. "Okay," I say, looking away with a blush.

He walks me to the front door of my classroom. "This is a special college prep class, I'm impressed!" he banters. "Well I'm not stupid if I got into Shiratorizawa," I pout slightly, crossing my arms. "Never said you were Kitty," he giggles. "How about I come get you after class, I've got volleyball practice but you can come watch if ya want," Tendou offers. "Sure, I can be home anytime," I smile gently.

"And I can even walk ya home after!" he hits the palm of his hand with his fist at the seemingly extraordinary idea. "Sounds good to me," I smile. "I'm genius!" he smiles wide, looking down at me. "May I do something before we go?" he asks me. "Uh, sure?" I say. Tendou quickly grabs my face and kisses the crease between my brows.

"See you later Y/N-chan!" he yells as he runs down the hall. "Hey no running in the halls!" a teacher a little down the hall yells at Tendou. "Whoops, sorry ma'am," he apologizes and continues to speed walk instead. I giggle at his antics. That's the second time he's kissed me now. He's obviously hinting that he wants a relationship with me but he called me a friend. It's so confusing!

Class was somewhat boring. Transferring half way through the semester isn't always easy but I think I'll be able to catch up. I kept glancing at the clock, waiting for the final bell to tell me that Tendou was coming to get me. And when it finally struck everybody else got up but I waited in my seat. I quietly packed my things, feeling exceptionally excited for his arrival.

"Y/N-chan, ya ready to go?" I suddenly hear his voice from the door way. "Just a sec," I reply as I shove the last of my supplies away. How he got here so fast I may never know but I'm glad he put in the effort. "Nice to see you Tendou-kun," my teacher speaks to my friend.

"Yes Korro Sensei. It is good to see you," he responds. "I'll see you tomorrow L/N. We'll have some fun doing more training," Korro Sensei says as he leaves the classroom. "He used to be my history teacher too," Tendou informs me as I walk up to him. "He's really nice," I smile up at my friend.

That's all I am. I need to talk to Tendou about what we really are. I love that he's payed me special attention but I don't like that we haven't identified exactly what we are. I'm not even sure if I have feelings for him. He's cute, funny, and sweet but I barely known him. I should ask him on the way home. Then I can figure out what my priorities are.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now