8 □ Afraid

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"Satori?" I ask in disbelief.  I can see him visibly stiffen at the sound of my voice.  He moves his head to look at me with a sheepish grin.  "Oh hey Y/N, I didn't know you were working today," he says with his eyes closed as he scratches his temple.  "I work here Satori, what else do you expect?" I remark snarkily.

"I guess I was half hoping you would and wouldn't be here," he says sadly.  My heart softens at his words.  Satori had been gone for a whole week; he didn't tell anybody where he was going or why.  "It's alright, what would you like to order?" I ask him, having caught a glance from Yuuji in the back. 

"I'll have a mocha please," he tells me.  Nostalgia slaps me in the face.  That was his first drink he ordered when he came here for his first time.  "I'll be right back Master," I monotonously reply with my head spinning.  If there was one word to describe how Tendou and I are behaving with each other right now, it would have to be awkward.

I know that he likes me, and I like him but I couldn't bring myself to say the words out loud.  I'm afraid; afraid of losing him.  He was honest, kind, and straightforward.  Everything I wanted in a guy, but the thought of losing him to some unknown force shreds my heart thinner than a paper shredder.  To think I might not be with him for a long time, or even forever, gives me a quivering heart shake and unpleasant clench in my chest.

I make his mocha through all the pain within me.  And apparently Yuuji has noticed.  "Hey Kitty, what's going on with you and the Guess Monster out there huh?" he asks me.  My lip quivers and I do my best not to break down or sound too dramatic.  "Basically he confessed to me, and we both know I like him but I couldn't say it out loud.  I still haven't confessed to him because," I pause, debating whether to tell Yuuji or not.

"Because?" he asks.  "Well, because I'm afraid of losing him," I admit sheepishly.  He starts laughing at me.  "H-Hey!  It's not funny!" I protest, adding the milk to the coffee.  "Y/N, everybody is afraid of losing something whether it be their job, family, home, or even their life.  It's okay to be scared.  What isn't okay is holding it in, especially from the person you love," Yuuji says.

I blink several times in shock, not having expected him to give me such wise advice.  Ya know Yuuji, for such a playboy you sure can be a good friend sometimes," I chuckle, setting Satori's drink on a small saucer.  "Now that's mean," he pouts.  We both smile with stupidly happy grins.  "Thank you, I'll have to treat ya sometime," I say, now grabbing Satori's drink.

"Now what kinda treat are we talking about?" he smirks and waggles his eyebrows.  "How about lunch tomorrow?" I suggest.  "Sounds good, now go give lover boy his drink," he shooes me away.  I take a deep breath before walking out of the back of the shop.  I can be afraid, but I have to tell him too.

"Satori, here's your drink," I say, setting his mocha down in front of him.  "Oh thank you Y/N-san," he appreciates with an honorific.  It sounds both pleased yet distant.  I linger for a moment as he sips his hot drink.  "It's good, thanks," he mutters kindly.  I nod, my fingers fidgeting nervously.  "Is there something you want to say?" he asks with his brows furrowed.

"I um, now isn't the right time but could we meet later tonight?  There's someplace I would like to take you," I say shyly.  He looks at my face, obviously surprised.  "Oh, um sure," he accepts my invitation.  Great, I get off in an hour if you wanna wait?" I both inform and ask him.  I suddenly feel very eager to explain my feelings.  "There's actually some things I need to take care of when I'm done with my coffee.  I'll text you when I'm done though," he tells me.

"Okay," I sigh sadly, accepting it anyway.  Satori gives me a sympathetic look, grasping my hand before I go.  "I can't wait until we talk," he says lowly making me blush.  "Mhm," I hum, unable to form actual words.  His sly smirk stays in my head when I go to assist a new customer.

That night~

I texted Satori my location, waiting on a bench beside one of my favorite shrines.  The anticipation of waiting for him makes me sweat, and my hands feel clammy as they grip onto each other tightly.  "Y/N," his voice is low against my ear and I shiver.  I look back and see his face extremely close to mine.

"H-hi Satori," I whisper back.  He grins like nothing's wrong and sits beside me on the bench.  "I'm glad you wanted to talk to me,"  he tells me, wiggling his feet from side to side.  He has obviously assumed I have something good to tell him.  But teasing him sounds like a good idea.

"You sure are happy?  What if I have something bad to tell you?" I say with as much seriousness as I can.  His face express shock and pain, thinking that he guessed wrong.  "D-do you have bad news for me?" he questions seriously.  I blow a raspberry before howling laughs burst from my mouth.

"You should have seen your face!" I wheeze, trying to catch my breath.  He scowls at me with an upset expression.  "You're mean Y/N-chan," he grumbles with a pout.  I giggle as he pouts, finally settling down from laughing so hard.  He stares at a cherry tree not too far in front of us.  I get an idea in my head; although it may be a little cliche it would still be nice.

Standing up, I beckon Satori to come with me, moving my fingers against and away from my palm in snappy motions.  He stands, lumbering after me reluctantly.  I stand under the blossoms, looking up at them and trying to see if I can watch the stars.  "Climb with me?" I ask, turning my head just to meet his tall form.  He nods, gesturing for me to start first.

I confidently grab the lowest branch and hoist myself as far as I can go.  After there's room Satori also starts to climb after me, following my lead.  I rest on the highest stable branch.  Leaning against the trunk of the tree, I wait for Satori.  He grabs the branch I'm sitting on and sits in front of me.  He scoots his body closer and I lift my thighs so that they gently rest on top of his.

I blush and avert my gaze, trying to think about what I want to tell Satori.  "Can you tell me now?" he whispers, placing his hands in the space between us on the branch, and leaning forward.  I furrow my brows, trying to settle the bubbling butterflies in my stomach.  With as much confidence and courage I can muster I blurt, "I love you!"  There's a pause of silence and I dare to look at Satori's face.  "Took you long enough," he mumbles before grasping my face and smashing his lips passionately against mine.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now