6 □ Sneak Out

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I couldn't bring myself to ask Tendou what I am to him.  He decided to invite Ushijima to walk home with us as well.  And despite my doubts about Ushijima, Tendou was correct when he said that Ushijima is stoic, quiet, and honest.  He doesn't waste time or energy on things that aren't trivial to him personally.  I had reluctantly said bye when I entered my house, cursing him in my head for bringing the volleyball giant with us.

The English homework I'm currently working on is a breeze.  Especially when I've already learned a great deal of the concepts of the supposed difficult language.  My mind starts to get bored, drifting off into other thoughts.  My hand scribbles quickly as the answers come flowing out.  I wonder how Tendou is doing.  I wish he could just show up so that I could talk to him.

And as if the devil himself could read my mind, there's a soft whump sound that comes from my window.  I jolt at the unexpected noise, rising from my chair at my desk.  "What the . . ." I trail off to myself.  My feet bring me to my window.  I unlock the small clip and raise the window up.  Looking down, Tendou is standing on the ground.  He's wearing casual clothes and his hair is down for the first time I've ever seen.

Somebody surely is messing with my head.  "Tendou, what are you doing?" I whisper shout, trying not to alarm my parents who only sit downstairs in our living room.  "Wanna go somewhere?" he asks with a dopey grin.  "Tendou, it's a school night and my parents are just downstairs," I blandly protest.

"Have you never snuck out before?  Just go through your window," he scoffs at me.  I squint my eyes, frowning at his suggestion.  "I'm a 'model student' Tendou, I don't 'sneak out'," I use quotation marks to emphasize my words.  "Well, I guess I could climb up there myself then," he smirks, knowing that this will win me over.

"Don't you dare," I hiss venomously.  "Then get your ass down here," he giggles like a child.  "Instruct me in the ways of 'sneaking out'," I use quotation marks again, rolling my eyes.  "Okay, first things first, take a scope of what's outside and see what you can use to your advantage," he tells me.

I peer out my window, leaning forward a bit.  There's the roof to my left which I can jump onto from my window.  "Next, think about the trail you're taking down, and what moves will best work on that trail," he adds further.  My first step will be hanging onto my sill, swinging myself to the roof ledge over our porch and dropping down to the railing before getting to the ground.

"Now, go!" he grins with his eyes closed.  I turn around to grab any necessities I deem important for my late-night rendezvous with Satori.  Then I go back to the window, turning around and sticking my legs out first, keeping a firm grasp on the sill.  I can feel Tendou's eyes firmly planted on me.  More specifically, my ass.  "Quit staring," I grumble just loud enough for him to hear.

"I'm keeping an eye on you so you don't fall.  It's good to have a spotter for your first time," he defends himself, trying to make a good point at the same time.  "Whatever, pervert," I chuckle, looking to my right to see how far I have to swing to get to the roof.

I get some slight momentum and push off the house and grab onto the roofing.  I land with a light thud.  My body rests stilly for a moment to make sure I didn't alarm my parents.  When I hear nothing I drop over the edge and land on the ground with my feet.  "Bravo!  Well done!" Tendou does a soft clap for my success.

"Now, where are we going?" I querie, my annoyance has worn off and my curiosity takes dominance.  "I have a special cafe that I'd like to take you to," he reveals, hoping I'll be excited.  I think for a moment, trying to decide how I can make this trip more enjoyable for myself.  "I don't think I've ever been to a cafe this late before," I continue to think.  "First time for everything," Satori grins again, grabbing my hand and dragging me along. 

At the cafe~

"Order anything you want," Satori tells me as he looks at the menu briefly before placing it down.  "I'm assuming you come here often?" I nod towards his closed menu.  "I guess you could say that," he brushes it off.  I quickly glance at all the items, thinking with my stomach.  Placing my menu down, I look out the window to my left.  Sendai still isn't quiet even during the night.

"How was your first day of school today?" Satori's voice asks me, starting some light conversation to avoid an awkward atmosphere.  "Stressful but manageable," I say curtly.  My mind recollected what I wanted to talk to Tendou about earlier.  What I really am to him.  "Think you can handle it?" he asks me, resting his head in his hand.  "Yeah," I reply. 

"Are you two ready to order?" a waiter comes up to us with a notepad.  "I'll have a chocolate milkshake," Tendou tells the waiter.  "A vanilla milkshake for me please," I tell him.  "I'll be right back with your orders," the guy tells us, grabbing our menus, and walking off.

I wait a couple of beats before speaking.  "Satori, there's something I want to ask you," I continue to look out the window, waiting for his response.  "Alrighty," he responds, a little too chipper for my preference.  "Satori, what am I to you?" I swallow my anxiety and my fear, looking into his eyes.

Tendou sighs, thinking for a moment.  "I'm assuming you mean if you're more than a friend," he says.  I nod my head in response.  "I'd be lying if I said I don't like you, both as a friend and more than a friend," he reveals and my heart skips a beat.  "But the question is, who am I to you, Y/N?" he fires back.  I wasn't expecting him to ask me at all.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now