3 □ Texting

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It never occurred to me that Tendou would actually care if I ignored him. I just figured he was like any other guy tying to hit on me. In the end, I figured wrong and cursed myself for stereotyping him. I was extremely thankful we didn't go to the same school though; or so I thought.

"Y/N! Dinner's ready!" my mom calls from downstairs. "Coming!" I call as I close my bedroom door. I can text Tendou later when I've had some time to think about what I want to say. When I reach our downstairs dining area I notice that we're having stir fry over brown rice.

Mom only makes brown rice on special occasions; it's not easy to cook. "What's with the brown rice?" I offer a light chuckle. "Have a seat dear," Mom says and I sit beside her. I look at the empty spot on my other side. My step dad must be working late again tonight I guess.

"Your step dad is working late tonight and regrets that he can't also be here for the news I need to share with you," Mom says in all seriousness. Now this sounds concerning. But I notice there's no underlying negativity in her voice which makes me sigh in relief. Her hesitancy must be based on what my reaction might be.

"I don't want you to be upset about this-" Mom starts but I cut her off with my impatience. "Don't butter me up please, just say it," I tell her. She sighs and makes eye contact with me, joy dancing in her intense gaze. "Your step dad got a promotion!" she finally informs me. I blink a few times. "Well that's awesome," I say with a smile. "I'm not finished," she adds and I hold my breath for the next piece of information I'm about to receive.

"With his promotion, he's moving to a different building to be head of management. That building is a lot further away than we would have liked. In the end, we decided it would be best to move closer to his work place," she pauses to take a breath. I try to let the information sink in. That means I'll have to leave this life that I have built here, and establish a new one somewhere else. "Oh," I reply, sadness obvious in my tone and mood.

"I know it might be hard trying to reestablish a firm life in a new place, especially when you're so close to graduating. But me and your step dad are hopeful for this opportunity. We only want what's best for all of us," she tries to reason with me. "Yeah, I understand," I tell her. Moving might not be so bad. It's not like I'm going to just stop communicating with me friends, or quit my job on the fly.

Mom looks at me with her brows furrowed and pulls me into a hug suddenly. "Thank you for being so mature about this Y/N," she thanks me. I smile and hug her back tightly. "You're welcome Mom," I reply and she pulls away with a somewhat sad smile. "Alright, let's eat and I can give you more details," she chirps before we dig in.

After dinner~

Returning to my bedroom after having gotten ready for bed, I notice my phone flash with the signal of a notification. I grab it from my desk and flop onto my bed. As I scroll through the notifs, I recognize an unfamiliar phone number. It's just a text but makes me think about Tendou. Maybe he got impatient and texted me.

When I open the text it reads:

'Hello Kitty Cat, it's Tendou. I thought you were gonna text me :(,'

I laugh at his text. He seems to be the really clingy type. It's not like I mind though, I mean he admittedly told me that he wasn't trying to get into my pants. Plus, it might be nice having another friend.

'Hey Bean Stalk. I've just been busy, sorry I didn't text you sooner,' I reply. Almost immediately he sends a text back.

'Yay! You finally replied! I was so lonely without you Kitty,' he tells me.

I decide to change his name on my phone. Typing in 'Bean Stalk', I press the confirmation button just as he sends another text.

Bean Stalk: 'So, any juicy gossip you have to share with me ;)'

Kitty Cat: 'Well, I guess I could tell you. I'm moving'

Bean Stalk: 'WhAaAaAaT!? Where to?'

Kitty Cat: 'Can't remember the name of the town, but I'll be transferring to a school by the name of Shiratorizawa. If I can pass the entrance exam that is'

Bean Stalk: 'You're joking. Are you serious right now!?'

Kitty Cat: 'Um yeah?'

Bean Stalk: 'That's funny, cuz I go there'

My immediate reaction is to widen my eyes and cover my mouth. I huff out some unhuman noises and roll onto my stomach. Well this might not be so bad after all. And if Tendou and I become good friends, I won't have such a hard time fitting in and adjusting. Tendou can help me!

Bean Stalk: 'You good Kitty?'

Kitty Cat: 'Yeah, just taking a minute to process this'

Bean Stalk: 'Well, give me all the deets so that I can be ready to expect you!'

Kitty Cat: 'I'm not sure if I should be telling an almost complete stranger all myself personal info. You could be some stalker creep for all I know'

Tendou doesn't reply to me and instead somebody starts calling me. 'Bean Stalk' the name reads. I role my eyes and smile. "Welcome to Burger King, may I take your order?" I hear immediately. I laugh, "Don't tell me you were texting on the job?" I ask him half serious. "Oh nah, I don't have a job Kitty Cat," he replies testing his new nickname for me.

"Okay, I'm relieved," I say with a sigh. "So will you tell me now?" he tries to persuade. "Okay, okay. At the end of the quarter. I'll be moving over during summer break," I inform him, sitting up from my previous position. "Alright, so about a month away then?" he asks. I briefly look at my calendar, "Yeah~," I sigh.

I continue to tell him all about why I'm moving. I tell him a little bit about my current school, my friends, and that I manage the boy's volleyball team. "Alright, now here's my big question," Tendou states, taking a pause. "What grade are you in?" he finally questions. I giggle a little bit, "I'm a second year. And how about you?" I return. "Third year," he states monotonously.

"Does that make you sad?" I chuckle. "I don't know what you're talking about," he replies with a huff. "Oh, I guess I'll just look into another club then. I was thinking about managing the boy's volleyball team but I don't know~" I tease. "Fine! It makes me sad!" he admits in hopes of ceasing my teasing. "Alright, boy's volleyball team it is," I say.

"Yay!" he shouts through the phone and I giggle. "Can ya put in a good word for me, and make sure it's alright with everybody else?" I ask him. "Sure thing Kitty," he chirps. "Thank you. I need to get to bed. I'll send you my work schedule if you'd like?" I suggest. "Sure!" he answers with happiness evident in his tone. "Alrighty, good night Bean Stalk," I finish. "Good night Kitty Cat. And don't let the bed bugs bite!" he warns and I giggle while ending the call.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now