10 □ Square

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The next few weeks went by rather quickly.  Tendou was rather clingy, adamant that he knew my work schedule so he could come see me as often as his own schedule would let him.  It's quite endearing to know that I have someone reliable, always willing to be there for me.  It gave me a sense of peace.

And as my thoughts floated around my head like invisible clouds, I hear the bell for the door ring, announcing the arrival of another customer.  "Welcome to Neko Neko Cafe!" I greet without looking at who's arrived.  I finish wiping down one of my tables, neatly folding the damp cloth.  My eyes finally look up to observe the customer, noticing that it's Satori.  A gentle blush forms on my cheeks, embarrassed but happy to see him.

"Hey Kitten," he greets back in a sly tone.  I smile, fidgeting with my fingers anxiously.  "Would you like to have a seat Master?" I do my best not to stutter.  He saunters up to me, waiting for me to pull his seat out for him.  I pull the light wooden frame away from the porcelain white table, giving him room to sit.  "Here's your menu Master.  Today's special is our matcha-swirl tiramisu cake.  I'll be back shortly to take your order," I relay my rehearsed lines.

My body automatically turns to walk away but he grips my wrist.  "I already know what I want to order," he says.  "Oh alright," I turn back to him, pulling my notebook and pen out to scribble his order.  "I want you," he smirks devilishly.  My blush increases in hue tenfold and my mind fizzles, unable to reply right away.  "S-Satori!  Not here!" I stutter, covering my face to hide my blush.

"I'm just kidding Kitten.  I would like to get a slice of that matcha-swirl tiramisu though.  And my usual," he laughs, giving me his actual order.  I scribble the order onto the pink paper, scuttling into the back to make his coffee.  "What's got you so worked up?" Yuuji asks me as soon as I fling my back against the wall.  "N-nothing!" I lie, not wanting him to tease me as well.

"Your boy toy is here isn't he?" Yuuji doesn't even have to guess to know that the way I'm behaving is quite unusual.  "He's not my boy toy, he's my boyfriend," I huff, moving to grab the chocolate syrup and start the espresso machine.  "Sure Y/N-chan," he chuckles, grabbing the pink sheet I wrote on.  "Gotta say, my matcha-swirl tiramisu cake is gathering a lot of attention," Nametsu comments, looking over Yuuji's shoulder.

"Well it is to die for!" Yuuji compliments her.  "Thanks," she gives us a thumbs up before going back to grab a slice of her special cake.  I combine the ingredients for the mocha, stirring it to make sure it's evenly divided, and adding whipped cream on top.  "Here's the tiramisu," Nametsu hands the plate to me.  I grab both glassware, heading out to the front to deliver Satori's order to him.

"Here's your order Master!" I set his coffee and cake down, bowing respectfully after.  "We still on for the festival later?" Satori asks with puppy eyes.  "I get off in an hour.  We can go to my house if you're willing to wait for me," I suggest.  "I could wait an eternity just for you," he slips under his breath.  I smile, holding myself back from hugging him.  "Me too," I whisper, going to assist another customer as the bell for the door rings again.

Later that evening~

I sneeze rather loudly, sniffling afterwards.  "We really shouldn't have ran in that rain," Satori sighs heavily.  "I think I'm getting sick," I croak, starting to feel the effects of a feverish cold catching on.  "We probably shouldn't go to the festival while it's raining either," Satori says.  I nod in agreement, starting to strip out of my soaked clothes.  My mind feels hazy, and without thinking I begin to unbutton my white blouse. 

"Woah!  Kitten what are you doing?" Satori blushes and fumbles to keep me properly covered.  "My clothes are cold and I want a bath," I whine, not concerned about my situation at all.  "Y/N, change in your room," Satori tries to reason.  "Then I have to come back downstairs naked to put my clothes in the drier!" I whine louder.  Satori seems to blush worse at my words and I think it might be fun to toy with him a bit.

"Yuuji called you my boy toy today~" I giggle.  "You're so in love with me Toriiiii," I slur.  "Y/N, you're not feeling well.  Let's get you into the bath and then in bed," Satori tries to lead me to my bathroom.  "I only want a bath if you take one with me!" I pout.  "Y/N, now is not the time-" Satori is cut off when I pull his body against mine.  "I want you close to me.  Super close all the time!  I might faint if you get too far away," I whine, demanding things like a child.

"I will stay close.  But you need privacy and you aren't in the right mindset Y/N.  Please understand that I won't go anywhere," he uses his words in a way that gets my mind to actually think.  "Fine," I pout, sticking my bottom lip out.  "Maybe another time when you're not sick," he says hopefully, blushing while looking away.  "Okay," I smile genuinely. 

He further guides me into my room, standing right outside the door as I change.  "I'm done Satori!  You can come in!" I call from my bathroom and I hear him walk into my room.  I've left the bathroom door cracked in case something goes wrong.  "I'm going to be right back Y/N.  I'm putting your clothes in the drier," Satori informs me.  "Okay," I sigh, sinking further into the tub.  The warm water feels good and soothing on my skin.

A few minutes later I hear my bedroom door being shut and soft footsteps.  "I'm sitting right outside your door Kitten, let me know when you're done," he tells me.  I hum in response, trying not to fall asleep.  "Don't fall asleep Y/N.  Keep talking to me," he warns.  "How was practice?" I ask, trying to keep my mind running.  "It was good.  I blocked one of Wakatoshi-kun's spikes today!" I can hear his pride in his voice.  "Good job baby," I allow the pet name to slip out.

"How was work before I showed up?" he asks with a teasing tone.  "Uneventful until you showed up," I giggle.  "Glad I could entertain my favorite girl," he says, making my heart flutter.  There's a pause of silence, and I immediately think of how my parents just left for a company business trip for the weekend.  "Satori, would you like to spend the night?  My parents are away for the weekend," I ask, suddenly feeling anxious.  "I have to ask my mom, but I would love to," he replies, relieving me of my anxiety. 

With new vigor, and rejuvenation from my bath, I stand.  "I'm done now," I state blandly, earning me a laugh from Satori.  I can hear his voice as he converses with his mom, most of his words sounding positive.  I dry off quickly, already feeling better from the bath alone.  Putting my pajamas on, I also brush my hair, and apply my facial care before walking out of the bathroom.  I crawl into bed, having completely passed Satori.  My hands reach out and beckon him to come to me.

He sprints towards me, jumping onto the bed, careful not to squish me.  "I can stay," he sighs, cuddling up behind me, spooning my form against his.  "Yayyy," I breathe out, now feeling tired.  I snuggle into my pillow and blanket, happy to have Satori here to take care of me.  Through the emotional turmoil and unnecessary drama we caused ourselves, I'm just happy to have Satori.  We may continue to go about in awkward squares but I know I can still always reconnect with him.  "I love you Satori," I whisper.  "I love you Y/N," he whispers back and we fall asleep in each other's embrace.

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