4 □ Boy On My Street

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Moving was such a hassle.  It's not a short process in any way, shape, or form.  And I hate that I'll be moving out in just a few years to start a life of my own.  I had just gotten all my boxes into my room on the second story.  Our house was bigger than our last, and we weren't very far from a convenience store; just a few blocks away.

I decided to step outside for a bit to get some fresh air.  I could use a good walk to get adjusted to the neighborhood.  I jog up to the house to let the parental authorities know.  "Mom, I'm gonna go for a walk!" I shout just poking my head beyond the front door frame.  "Okay, be back before nine," she calls from the top stair.  "Alright!" I say as I walk down the steps and towards the side walk.

Thinking about how I start school Monday kinda scares me.  It's only Saturday which gives me time to get accustomed to the city.  This new situation might not be so bad if I can learn to like it.  As I progress further towards the end of the street, there's a small playground I didn't notice when we first arrived here.

Nostalgia has always had a certain way with me.  Now sitting on the tiny swing that is too small for my much bigger butt, I can remember when Mom would push me and smile with me.  I always asked her to push harder so that I could go higher.  I wanted to touch the sky, to try and grasp some of the cloud's fluff.

I close my eyes and push my legs back and forth gently.  I go to lean my head back, but I'm met with something both hard and soft.  In confusion, I open my eyes to look up at what blocked me.  Tendou.

"I was wondering if it was you," he banters astonished.  "U-uh, hi, Tendou," I say almost too quiet for him to hear.  It's only then that I realize I'm leaning up against him.  "O-oh sorry!" I apologize, scrambling to pull myself away but he puts his hand on my head, pulling me back gently.  "You're fine Kitty Cat," he says using his pet name for me.

I don't think I have the confidence to call him Bean Stalk, or to pull away.  "The sunset sure is pretty," he mentions and I can only nervosuly hum in response.  I try to keep my face hidden from his peering eyes.  I'm redder than a tomato.

"Wanna go someplace where we can see it better?" he asks me.  I blink a couple of times.  Is this like a date?  What if he's really dangerous like I feared?  What if he's got friends waiting somewhere to capture me-  "Hey?  Can ya come or not?" he interrupts my train of thought.

"As long as I'm back home before nine," I say firmly.  Damn hormones are making the wrong appearance.  He chuckles, amused with my embarrassment.  "Alright," he checks his phone, "we've got two hours," he informs me.  He grabs my hand and starts pulling me to wherever it is that this place of his lies.

Special destination~

We push through some thick shrubbery and come to a beautiful cliffside with a small field of grass.  I look beyond the city to see the sun setting behind the mountains.  My breath is literally stolen by the phenomenal scene in front of me.  "Gorgeous isn't it?" Tendou whispers behind me.

I can only nod my head quickly as I stare in pure awe.  Tendou is suddenly very close behind me.  I can feel his breath tingle on my neck.  His arms come from behind me on either side of me.  "May I?" he asks for permission.  He's seriously asking to hug me right now.

"S-sure," I unwillingly summon a blush on my face.  He quickly snakes his arms around my stomach beneath mine as I hug my sides with my arms.  Tendou presses his back against me and rests his chin on my shoulder.  I have to keep reminding myself that I'm fine.  Tendou won't harm me.  He's a good guy.  He's my friend.

Tendou's POV

It's funny how stiff she is beneath my hold.  She's trying to regulate her breath and is failing.  She allowed me to hug her but I don't want to force anything on her.  I start to release her but she puts her arms over mine.  I stare at the back of her head, confused.  "Don't l-let go, please," she whispers and I rest my head on her shoulder again.

At least she likes it.  This girl has been driving me absolutely insane since I first saw her.  Everything about her screams 'I know you want me'.  The way she walks, swaying her hips.  Her mannerisms.  Her voice and the way she speaks.  Her gaze just sells the package.

"Tendou, why do you like me?  As a friend I mean," she strikes up conversation.  Her friend comment hit something in my heart slightly.  "You just seem different than everybody else," I tell her honestly.  "How so?" she asks nervously.  "I could tell just by your gaze that you weren't one to judge my appearance.  And you don't seem to have heard about my reputation but I'm sure if you did, you wouldn't judge," I tell her my thoughts.

"Yeah, I don't like stereotyping people.  It's just stupid in my opinion," she comments.  That makes me smile.  "You sound very mature and kind Kitty," I tease.  "W-well yeah!" she says a bit too loud.  I stop teasing her and we finish watching the sun go down until we can't see it anymore.

"Guess I better take you back," I say while releasing her.  "Yeah," she comments sounding glum.  "We can come back again some other time if you want?" I suggest to lift her mood.  "I'd love that," she turns around and smiles at me.  I stretch my hand out and she grasps it.  We head back through the shrubbery and to the place she now calls her new home.

Y/N's POV back at home~

"Thank you for walking me home.  I hope you don't live too far away," I worry about Tendou.  He starts laughing and I look at him curiously.  "I live across the street, two houses down," he chuckles while pointing to the opposite direction we came from.  "O-oh, so we're neighbors then.  That's good to know," I fidget with the sleeves of my hoodie.

"Yeah," he whispers and we stare at each other for a short moment.  "Close your eyes," he tells me and I don't hesitate to listen.  I can feel his hands grab either side of my face as he brings me forward slightly.  I can feel his lips press against my forehead before he releases me.  When I open my eyes, I see him sprinting towards his house.  What a goofball.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now