9 □ Now

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Satori holds my face steadily in his hands.  I gently flutter my eyes closed, melting into his kiss.  He tilts his head more, making the kiss more interactive.  He pushes his palms against my cheeks, making me part my lips unwillingly as he slips his tongue into my mouth.  I gasp, my eyebrows moving in confusion and settling in a pleasurable, furrowed expression.

He rubs and swirls his tongue with mine, eliciting a small moan to crawl out of my throat.  One hand moves to hold my throat gently while his other hand flutters down to my lower back, pushing me to sit on Satori's lap as we continually make out.  He scoots us closer to the trunk of the tree, pinning me there.  I moan more prominently as I feel more of his body against mine in our new position.

Pulling away to catch our breath, Satori leans his forehead against mine, looking into my eyes.  We sit silently for a few moments; it's not uncomfortable or awkward now that both of us have been honest about how we feel.  I swallow thickly, trying to think of what I want to say next.  "Y/N, thank you for being honest with me," Satori speaks first.

I smile, feeling giddy inside because I'm happy that I was honest too.  "Thank you for waiting, even if you did disappear for five days," I appreciatively scorn him.  "Sorry about that.  I just didn't want to be around you, pressuring you to make a decision.  I didn't want you to say you liked me out of pity or anything like that.  Plus, my family needed some help back at home so it seemed like a perfect opportunity," he reveals, making me gape at him.

"You could have at least told me!  I was worried sick about you!" I wack his arm lightly.  He just smiles like an idiot, pulling his face apart from mine.  "You were worried about me?" he asks with a smirk.  "Anybody would be worried if their best friend just suddenly disappeared without telling them!" I defend myself.  "Best friend?  So that's how you see me?" he pouts, just focusing on part of my sentence.  "Neither of us has asked each other out yet, so yes, as of right now and even then, you were my best friend," I retort, crossing my arms firmly.

"So that kiss meant nothing to you?" he questions me, using a teasing tone to his voice.  My jaw drops, dumbfounded at how he keeps trying to make the mood dour.  I then decide to join his game of wits.  "Only if that's what you think," I shrug, averting my gaze to the stars that loom above us, the branches obscuring my view slightly.  His brows raise in amusement.  "Fine, if that's how you want to behave, then I guess we're just friends," he says sadly.

His change in demeanor completely throws me off, making me snap my gaze back to his face.  He was being a tease only mere seconds ago.  "Satori, what-" I start but he cuts me off.  "It's getting late, we should get back to the campus before they notice we snuck out," he looks uninterestingly to his left.  I can feel him start to slip out from under me, but I'm not finished talking to him.

I scoot with him, keeping him trapped under me.  "Hey, I'm not done talking to you yet," I say sternly but his face remains unchanging.  "What more do we have to talk about?" he asks.  I've finally had enough of this playing dumb attitude Satori has decided to use.  I grip his throat dominantly but not enough to restrict his breathing in any way, pulling his face close to mine as I push him down to lay against the large branch we're sitting on.

"I love you Satori.  And while I may not have asked you out yet, neither have you asked me to be your girlfriend.  But let me make one thing clear," I pause briefly.  I smash my lips against his, eyes open and staring into his surprised ones.  I press my tongue against his lips, forcing him to open his mouth.  My tongue swirls against his, and I put a little more pressure on his throat which earns me a gentle moan.  I pull away, licking my lips and panting from the intense kiss.

"I love you Satori, and that means you're mine and mine alone," I whisper.  His expression is one I've never seen before; a look of complete shock and enamorement.  "I love you Y/N.  Will you be my girlfriend?" Satori suddenly asks in complete seriousness.  "Only if I get another kiss," I whisper teasingly, releasing his throat from my hold.  He grabs my face again, pressing his lips against mine hastily.  He gets my answer through our kiss, and the uneasy clench on my heart releases its grip.

When we part, I hug Satori tightly, also trying to keep my balance so we don't fall off of the branch.  "I love you Satori," I whisper into his ear.  "I love you Y/N," he whispers back, tightly slinging his arms around my lower waist.  We lay on the branch like that for a few moments.  "We really should get back to the campus though," he chuckles.  "Can I stay in your dorm?" I ask softly, making him chuckle again.  His laugh rumbles through his chest which I can feel against my own beating heart.  It's comforting, and makes me feel jubilant.

"Of course, although Wakatoshi-kun is probably there," he says.  "I don't care now that we're officially together.  As long as I have you it doesn't matter who witnesses us loving each other," I smile, not thinking anything inappropriate of my comment.  "You better watch your words Kitten.  I might do so obscene things to you while Wakatoshi-kun is in the room," he smirks, palming my ass with both hands.  I gasp, wacking his arm again.  "You're horrid!" I blush, knowing what his intentions are.  "Well, I'm all yours," he sighs happily.  I smile again, dropping my forehead against his shoulder.  "Now you're all mine," I whisper.

𝐺𝑂𝐼𝑁𝐺 𝐴𝑅𝑂𝑈𝑁𝐷 𝐼𝑁 𝑆𝑄𝑈𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆 ꨄ︎ 𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐔 𝐒.Where stories live. Discover now