Road to issei hyoudou dead.

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Lord Bael mind:Finaly i already back from that crap Place.
Lord Bael command tune: all of you Servant will get three day Rest and if anyone ask You who give you permission to off duty than you can say my name understand and make sure all of you not tell anyone even another member of Bael Family about what happen today understand?.
servant:Yes my lord we Promise we our live we never tell anyone about what happen today.
Lord Bael: I see than all of you can go home now.
Servant:Yes my lord"walk a way from Lord Bael castle.
Lord Bael: Finaly the low peasant already gone now.
Lord Bael:"try to call a Assassin company.
company Boss:a hello what can i help you.
Lord Bael: I am Lord of House Of Great King Bael will pay you 1118,000 Gold bar and you work take samael blood and make sure Red dragon emperor Death by Samael blood.
Company boss mind:"Damn cramp Bastard this not good this Bael".
company Boss:I will send 10 Assassin To come to you take a gold bar and do a mission direcly after the gold already safely come to me but i need Ten Minute 20 Second after this deal already make.
Lord Bael: Take you time.

After ten minute 20 second.
10 Assassin group:"Teleport in front of Lord Bael".
Lord Bael: So all of you really come.
10 Assassin group leader:Yes We after the deal already make we reallt come anywhere where 1118,000 gol bar you promise to the boss? .
Lord Bael: This is

10 Assassin group leader: i see ok"teleport a gold to a boss"

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10 Assassin group leader: i see ok"teleport a gold to a boss".
10 assassin group leader:where The blood and what target is ?.
Lord Bael: "Show issei hyoudou photo".
Lord Bael:His name is Issei hyoudou a fake devil with red dragon emperor i want you kill him.
Assassin group: Yes we will.

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