The Rise of Great King Bael Family.

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11 morning japanese time in underworld.
soldier:Lady Gremory and family i get order from Lord asmodeus to get all of you to Go devil council right now.
lady Gremory and family:Ok"Stand behind a soldier inside Bael asmodeus magic cicle version".

Meanwhile in Devil council.
lord barbatos:Lord asmodeus Make i know why We have the  emergency Meeting.
Lord Amon:Yea i want to know too why lord asmodeus.
lord Devil king beelzebub:Yes Lord asmodeus why we have this meeting in the first place?.
Lord Devil king Belial:Yes Why and what reason?.
Lord Devil king asmodeus: Hmmm last night My Servant and some army patroly in Gremory castle and they hear a scream and feel a unkwonk aura and
After they come to place where they hear scream and feel a unkwn aura, they see a in hand of Ex Gremory have a blood seven evil piece and that is why i call for this meeting.
lord bael mind:Yes Finally.
Lord devil king Beelzebub mind:Wait a  blood evil piece no i do not beliave this.
Lord Zekram Bael:I see than what you want us a devil council to do? .
Lord asmodeus: I want to give ex Gremory kun a fair trial.
Council: Hahaaahaaa find find  we waste our time just for this thing anywhere where Lady gremory and family?.
Lord Devil king asmodeus: They will arrive ten minute from now. 
Lord Beelzebub telepaty mind: Lord asmodeus did you hear me.
Lord asmodeus: Clear a Good lord Beelzebub.
Lord Beelzebub telepaty  mind:I want to ask you something lord asmodeus what kind of aura in seven evil piece in the hand of ex Gremory?.
Lord asmodeus mind telepaty:Dragon.
lord Beelzebub telepaty mind: Silent i see thank you.
Lord asmodeus telepaty mind: Lord Beelzebub i maybe do not have magic power but i still can feel a specific magic"show a one of seven evil piece to Lord Beelzebub "
Lord Beelzebub telepaty mind: Silent and Ok I think we shall see after a trial.

Meanwhile outside a council room.
Soldier: Lord and lady Gremory we already arrive.
Gremory entire family:I see thank.
Soldier:All of you can go to inside devil council now.

Gremory family:"walk walk walk".
Guard soldier with magic cicle microphone styles say: attention to all devil council Gremory family already stand  outside in the room of devil council please give a  permission to open a door.
Lord asmodeus: Permission granted.
Guard soldier:"open a door for Gremory family.
Gremory family venelana:oh thank.
Guard soldier: yes you welcome.

Gremory family:"they now stand in middle of council and devil king throne"
Lord asmodeus: Gremory family did all of you know why i call all you?.
Sirzech: Saiorng kun Please just tell us do not waste my time please.
Lord asmodeus: Sirzech and all of devil council member Ex Gremory is in arrest for crime murder issei Hyoudou.
Lord bael mind:Yes finaly.
Gremory family: No You lie right.
Lord asmodeus:after investigation and investigation i did me and my team find ex Gremory is a criminal who killed Red dragon emperor issei hyoudou.

Lord Beelzebub:"I as the evil piece creator confirm what lord asmodeus say is true.
Sirzech: Your joke right ajuka as brother of buddy you joke right.
Lord Beelzebub: no Sirzech that true.
Lord Saiorng asmodeus: Bring that  criminal  out here.
Ex Gremory: Suddenly get Teleport with 50 chain around his body  to a middle room between devil council and Devil king throne.
Lady sitri mind:oh satan so sad poor child.
Lord barbatos mind:For real satan. 
Lord vapula mind:Poor child.
Lord Bael mind:Yes.
Gremory family mind:Ex noo noo poor kids.

Lord Saiorng asmodeus: council member here i Lord asmodeus ask all  of you to vote if all of you thing ex Gremory need to get punisment raise you hand  if vice versa just do not raise you hand

Council vote:2/3 vote for punistment.

Lord asmodeus mind:i see sadly this kids need to died so soon.
Lord asmodeus: i see with this i Lord asmodeus who in charge underworld military affair sentence you ex Gremory
Permanent dead.
Lord asmodeus: in this place that is anyone who can be volunteer to do this Job for me?.
Lord Bael: i am after all i the only "pure" one who have"pure" power of destruction.
Lord bael:"walk from his place to ex place".
Lord Bael: Good bye child"throw a destruction ball to ex face.
Gremory family: cried.
Lord asmodeus: With this i Lord Saiorng asmodeus officialy declare ex Gremory is officialy dead.
Another council member:"Teleport to they own house like nothing happen"

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