The Road of Revolutionary

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2 minute after Ex Gremory dead as well as another council member leave with rude manner.
Zekram:Is this all can i go back to my Castle now Satan?.
lord asmodeus: Feel free to go back to you castle Lord zekram.
zekram:"stand up from his sit and Teleport to his castle".
Lord Belial:Lord Asmodeus Did you really already do A" Fair invesgation"on at Ex Gremory kun"I mean try  you image  Teenager Kids even in standard of Devil kill a Red Dragon emperor his own father for what reason his that?.
Lord Asmodeus:I do not understand what you try to say Lord Belial?.
Lord Belial: I mean To put this simple i think Red dragon emperor Issei hyoudou Already died even before ex Gremory kun arrive a murdering place ?.
Lord Beelzebub: Dismiss Now i do't want any fight between us a satan.
Another satan:Ok"All satan Teleport to they own office and house.
Sirzech:Ajuka i want to ask if that true i mean if Ex Gremory kun arrive at murdering place of issei i think like some one try to put a blame to ex for dead of issei kun?.
Ajuka: I do not know Sirzech if that true i hope this thing will not couse a civil war again Sirzech.
Kurenai:"Run Outside to council room.
Akeno:"scream kurenai name".
Kiba:That ok akeno i mean his lose his own father now his own half brother died too.

Meanwhile in Council Hall buiding.
Lord bael:'Sing a song of dead of issei.
Kurenai: "Walk walk and see lord bael sing with walk.
Lord Bael sing:my plan is really good now no Red dragon or his son in my way".
Kurenai mind:Damn you bael.
Kurenai:" slowly  walk walk walk walk walk and run go back to council meeting room".
Kurenai mind: I swear i kill and destroy you bael and you proud nobillity system.

Meanwhile inside a council room.
Ajuka:Sirzech and Gremory family all of you have my sympathy at what happen on issei kun and ex kun especially akeno and rias.
Akeno: Thank lord ajuka.
Rias:thank lord ajuka.
Ajuka:'With strict voice" i think all of you can go back to you own home right i mean That is no more reason for all of you to be here.
Kurenai: "Walk walk and hug akeno and cry".
Akeno: Kurenai kun do not cry if you father still live his will say boy cannot cry.
Kurenai: ok mother" say with sad tone".
Akeno: Rias i think i need to take Kurenai go with me to gregory for while?.
Rias: ok take you time say to you father i say greeting"with sad tone".
Akeno:Ok"walk away from rias and Gremory with hold kurenai hand and Teleport to gregory".
Rias:Father i think i need to stay for while in underworld is that ok father.
Zeoticus: Rias chan underworld is our place of devil and our Territory is open for any member of the house Gremory to stay and live after all you a duchess of house of Gremory.
Venelana: yes darling for what you father say true.
Sirzech: ok everyone time to go back to home now.
Gremory family: "Teleport to Gremory Territory".

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