The first Beginning of revolutionary

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Akeno and kurenai:"already teleportation in to gregory"
Barakiel:Akeno i already hear you have my sympathy and as well for Gremory family for losing they heir as well.
Akeno:"Run to Barakiel and hug Barakiel ".
Akeno:Father i really not strong father.
Barakiel:ok my little akeno also kurenai you and you mother can come inside now.
Barakiel, akeno,kurenai:" walk inside gregory building and sit in empty sofa"
Kurenai: Grandfather this building is so big.
Barakiel: "with laughing" hahaaa my grandson this is anyway what the reason for two of you come to Gregory anyway?.
Kurenai:"with strict voice'granfather i want to be  stronger i want to surpass my death father as well you too i want to become a stronger in order to protect mother.
Barakiel: Hahaaa fine i tell you first gregory training is harder than what you think i ready to accept that fact oh my dear grandson?.
Akeno: Kurenai i not joke right?.
Kurenai: Mother i not joke i want to protect you mother from those pervert devil because you are devil mother that mean some perv devil may try to rape you in future because father no longer live.
Akeno: i see fine but i need to infom rias first.
Akeno with magic cicle:Rias can you allow me and my son stay at gregory for 3 month my son want to train?.
Meanwhile in Gremory house.
rias:"say with half sas voice"I see than i allow that after all gregory is you father place akeno make sure Kurenai strong  and anyway akeno i givr 4  month to stay at gregory because right now that will be danger for you to be at Devil Territory because of politic thing.
Akeno:i see thank rias.
Rias:You welcome my friend.

Back to gregory.
Akeno: Rias allow me to stay full time for next 4 month in gregory Kurenai that mean both of us will have More time training and relax.
Kurenai: yes i see"stand up ans go walk to some random cabinet".
Kurenai: Grandfather what is this

Barakiel: oh that maybe some of random book lord azazel forget to take with him anyway that is a book about Some average human name vladimir lenin all father of State of soviet revolutionary why you ask

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Barakiel: oh that maybe some of random book lord azazel forget to take with him anyway that is a book about Some average human name vladimir lenin all father of State of soviet revolutionary why you ask.
Kurenai: grandfather please i want to borrow this book for the next 5 week.
Barakiel: Wwhmm uu fine you can have that as long as you not
Rip or dirty that  book you can have that.
Kurenai: "jump as heigh aa his can" ya hoo thank Grandfather.
Barakiel: "Anyway when you a training kurenai.
Kurenai: Tomorrow morning.
Kurenai: anyway Grandfather is inside this building have empty room for me and my mother?.
Barakiel:" Hahaaaa "of course there is.
Barakiel: You mother and you will sleep in Floor 30 .
Akeno and kurenai:" thank you father Grandfather ".
Barakiel: hahaa You welcome my dear daughter and my dear grandson.
Barakiel: anyway let check room for two of you.
Barakiel: Suddenly make a Teleportation cicle to the room for akeno and Kurenai will sleep.
Akeno and Kurenai: father grandfather next time we use lift.
Barakiel: hahaa sorry anyway let check out you room" walk walk and take some random key from his pocket and open a door.
Barakiel:"akeno Kurenai this wil be you room for next 4 month.

Akeno and Kurenai: thank Grandfather father

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Akeno and Kurenai: thank Grandfather father.
Barakiel: hahaa you welcome and good night"Teleport to floor 0".

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