The Road Rise of pure devil Bael

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4 in morning.
Large army of Bael lead by Ten middle class devil come to Gremory Territory.
army leader: "scream Lord Gremory i like to see you.
Zeoticus:I sorry but my daugter still sleep with his husband what happen can i help all of you" say with smile".
army leader:yes lord zeoticus You great son Ex Gremory is  under arrest for Crime and we have a warrent(sorry if i spell in wrong way) from the Bael council and approval by Maou Saiorng asmodeus sama.
Lord Zeoticus: What i think this maybe a mistake.
Lord Saiorng asmodeus:'his voice Suddenly appear with magic cicle Behind army leader ".
Lord Saiorng asmodeus: well Lord Zeoticus that true You greatson Ex Gremory already Make crime last night where my Peerage patroly together with The Army my peerage hear a big scream inside a Gremory castle and his also feel a unkwon aura inside a Gremory castle.
Lord Zeoticus: Wait please this maybe a mistake right Saiorng kun?.
Lord Saiorng asmodeus: i sorry to say No.
Lord Saiorng asmodeus: 5 Colonel Go inside and take Ex Gremory now.
5 colonel: yes Lord asmodeus.

5 minute late.
5 Colonel: Lord asmodeus we already safely Teleport ex Gremory to a prison.
Lord Saiorng asmodeus: I see than Lord Zeoticus i hope you and Gremory family ready in 11 in morning japanese time that is where my one of my soldier will come and take you and gremory family to Devil council and Court.
Lord Saiorng asmodeus:" Teleport together with the army  away  from Gremory Territory ".

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