the Devil council

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After 5 day after dead of issei hyoudou and ex Gremory  in Devil Territory.

Bael Castle.
zekram Bael mind:"I do not know why but i have a bad feeling about red dragon emperor issei hyoudou and his son dead "
Zekram: "shouting" Sssservantttt call all Devil noble and devil king to come to the capitol for meeting and if they ask for who you call they just say on behalf of me Lord Zekram Bael.
Random Servant: Yes my lord.
Random Servant with magic circle on his ears:"Attention to all Devil noble and Devil king this is the emergency call by order of lord zekram Bael to all Noble and devil king to come to capitol for emergency meeting thank you2x.
The Current lord bael:Yes i understand.
Lord agares:yes i understand.
Lord barbatos:yes i understand.
Lord aamon:yes i understand.
lord gamigin:yes i understand.
Lady sitri:yes i understand.
Lady Gremory: Yes i understand.
Another lord:yes we understand.
Random servant: My lord all lord and Devil king already get the messege.
Lord zekram: i see thank you anyway did you eat breakfast before come to work
Random Servant: ohh yes i eat little breakfast my  lord before come to work.
lord zekram: Before you go back go at kitchen and take 5 large pie if anyone ask who give permission just say my name understand.
Random Servant: Thank your my lord for you kindness"bow to down".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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