Chapter 10

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I woke the next morning sprawled on Kole's warm. One of his large hands held me firmly there whilst the other hand was running through my hair, playing with the ends. I buried my face in his neck laying a single kiss below his ear "good morning, Kole."

He smiled down to me "good morning, Morgan. Did you sleep okay?"

I nodded my head kissing down his neck along his collar bone "yeah, the best sleep I have had in so long. What about you?"

He kissed my forehead "never better."

My hand slipped under the blankets running along Kole's chest. His chest had a light scatter and hair. He smiled down to me as my fingers explored his chest. I ran my hand over a jagged scar that ran the length of his hip. "What happened here?"

He laughed nervously "your dad and my brother snuck out of the house one day and I wanted to go with them. As I was sneaking out the window I broke the glass below getting that. They both needed to stay home whilst mum took me to the hospital. They were mad at me for so long but they got over it when I covered for them."

Kole looked over to the alarm clock huffing "I need to be at work in an hour."

I playfully slapped his chest "we have work. Have you forgotten I work for you?"

Kole shook his head pecking my lips "trust me you are absolutely hard to forget."

I rolled my eyes grabbing his shirt off the the floor pulling it over my shoulders as I got up. He groaned out loud falling into the spot I had just laid. I walked over to my suitcase pulling out a pair black pin stripped pants with a light blue button down shirt that had crystal buttons.

Kole walked into the bathroom as I did the last two buttons up

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Kole walked into the bathroom as I did the last two buttons up. I pulled out my makeup bag lightly applying foundation and eye shadow. He came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist "I want you here everyday."

I turned around to look at him, I cupped his face with my hands "it's not very realistic. My dad could come around whenever he wants. I know he has agreed for me live here but I don't want to make him suspicious. If this is serious and we are going to be going strong in like a months time or something than we can think about telling him. I want everything to be right."

Kole nodded kissing me lovingly "but that doesn't mean I don't want to wake up to you each morning or go to bed with you each night."

I pushed his away from my gently as he nibbles on my bottom lip. I moved my hands down to the hem of his expensive suit buttoning it. He smiled as I knotted his tie. I sighed "if I lived in a different house it doesn't mean I can spend the night here, I will still see you."

We continued our morning routines until it was time to go to the office. I spent the remaining ten minutes before work looking at apartments, I sent two nice places to Kole for him to look at later. He smirked as he entered him office upon seeing a coffee on his desk "both apartments look small. The second one even looks like it is falling apart."

I rolled my eyes "I'm not worth millions like you are. I want to do this next step in my life."

Kole reluctantly agreed "I own a lot of apartments on the other side of town about twenty minutes away. I could check to see if one is available for you to rent. I won't charge you a tonne."

I smiled at him "thank you."

He sat down in his seat pulling out a large pile of paperwork. "Tomorrow night I have been invited to a gala. It was last minute. I had tried to buy tickets for this charity event but it sold out. Anyway I have been told there is a spot available. Would you like to go with me? I mean we can tell your dad that you went as my assistant to remind me who everyone is..."

I nodded my head "yeah, I would love to. I do have the overpowering need to tell you that eventually you are going to have to take me out on a proper date."

Kole laughed scanning the document with his eyes "I have taken you on a date. When we were here. I took you to my friends restaurant."

I rolled my eyes dramatically "no that wasn't a date. We both went to lunch on our lunch break. I date requires that we dress into something that isn't out work clothes and go to the movies or a picnic. A real date where at the end you kiss me goodnight."

He blinked at me amused "I kissed you goodnight last night."

I huffed ignoring his obnoxious laugher, I pulled out a memo that needed typing up as soon as possible. Then I ducked out to buy a birthday present for my father. I had already brought him a gift from myself. Now I was buying him a gift from Kole. It took a little while before I came back with an expensive bottle of scotch. I showed Kole the bottle before wrapping it. He didn't talk to me much as he was on a call.

He smiled nervously as I re-entered with the wrapped gift. He got up from his desk to come and sit on then corner of it "Charlotte called, she has changed the birthday plans. Instead of a pizza and booze fest we are all now going out for dinner at a new restaurants your dad wanted to try."

I nodded "how fancy do I need to dress?"

Kole shrugged "it's four star but you look great in anything."

I plonked down in my chair "you are so biased."

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