Chapter 14

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Dad and Kole spent the next week helping to move me into my new apartment. It was small but it suited me fine. Dad was happy to finally see the back of me. Kole and I had gone on a few days and he continued to woo me.

Kole and I laid in my bed on an early Sunday morning- I insisted that he take Sunday off. Kole was deep asleep as I watched him. I smile thinking over our last three months. In a few days we planned on telling my dad about our relationship, Kole and I had gone over many ways in which we could tell him but we ended up agree on being upfront with him.

I rolled onto my side running my hand down his chest then back up and along his arm. He tiredly smiled "why are you up so early?"

I kissed him good morning "I had a lot on my mind. You know I love you, right?"

Kole nodded "of course. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm worried about telling dad, I know he needs to know but that doesn't mean I want our relationship with him to go bad. I don't want to get in the middle of your friendship. You both have been friends longer than I have been here."

Kole interrupted jokingly "way to make me feel old Morgan. Maybe this will just work out with time."

Kole kissed my lips holding his lips tenderly against mine as he stroked my hip. "Kole, I love you but that is a terrible idea. We need to tell him ourselves. If he finds out by catching us he would be less likely to except us."

His hand moved under my shirt running his fingers up my spine "I think this could go wrong either way. If you want to tell him we can do that but I just want to make you happy."

I threw my arms around his neck burying my face into his chest "you make me more happy then I even thought possible." I smiled up at him "I'm going to tell my dad about us. You don't need to be there. I can do it alone but I am going to tell him that I love you and that I see myself spending the rest of my life with you."

He pulled me back into his chest burying his face in my hair "you are it for me. When we get married that's it, you will be the only marriage that I have ever wanted."

I pushed away from him "I will go tell him now, do you want to stay here or should I meet you at your place later today?"

Kole shook his head "I will come with you, should,we invite him and Charlotte here for dinner tonight maybe?"

I nodded "that's a good idea, I think I will order pizza. I haven't been able to do a proper shop nor do I have appropriate cooking appliances."

Kole rolled his eyes laughing "I hate that you didn't just fall into my arms and move in with me."

I scoffed as he grabbed at his heart dramatically "I want to experience being an independent young lady before I am tied down to you for the rest of my life. I don't mean that in a bad way but I want to experience everything at my own pace."

He stroked my cheek "when you are ready I want you living at my place. I can have you a key cut for you to use regardless, I always want you to have access."

I pulled away from him "I need to go. I can't standing having to wait around to tell him."

He nodded his head following me out to the car. He got in beside me, I cocked my eye brow at him "I am not going to let you go and tell your father alone, Robby is my best mate."

I smiled at him before taking the short journey over there. Dad and Charlotte were curled up together on the couch. I smiled at them coming over to sit on the love seat. Kole stood awkwardly beside me. Charlotte smiled knowingly at me glancing at my out of the corner of her eye. I clapped my hands nervously "we have something to tell you."

Dad muted the TV looking over to me. Kole places his hand on my shoulder giving it a tight squeeze "I want you to hear us out before you interrupt." Dad nodded waiting for us to continue "Kole and I have been seeing each other. We are in a relationship. I know this might be hard for you to hear since you are friends but..."

Dad laughed interrupting me "you think I didn't know. Honestly if you thought that you were keeping it secret then you are full of yourself. I walked in on the two of you before you left for the trip. You two must think that I am bloody stupid."

I shook my head unamused "you should have said, you can't know and not tell us."

Charlotte laughed getting up from the couch "I told you he would be fine with it."

I rolled my eyes getting off the couch "you could have saved us from sneaking around too scared to tell you. That is mean dad, even for you."

Dad rolled his eyes also getting up from the couch "what is rude is that you snuck around with my best mate."

Kole rubbed his neck nervously "we are honestly sorry mate. We never wanted to hurt either of our relationships with you but we are serious about each other."

Dad nodded "you know the run down, if your hurt her then I will hurt you, best friend or not she is my daughter."

Kole smiled over to me "I love her."

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