Chapter 13

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After Kole confronted me I left him standing in the car park and rushed home. Charlotte was in the kitchen. I walked over to her sitting in the stool beside her "would you like to go flat hunting with me?"

She beamed at me "of course. We can start looking online now if you would like."

I nodded "yes please."

I went up straits to get my tablet and laptop so we could both look. We did that for a few hours both selecting a handful that would be perfect for my current situation I them spent the remainder of the evening job hunting since my job ended with my relationship.

I was able to apply for another secretary position as well as a few book keeper jobs nothing to the degree I was working. I slowly dragged myself down stairs that night to join my dad and Charlotte for dinner. I could tell Charlotte was watching me out of the corner of her her but I didn't know why until their was a knock at the door. My dad answered it bringing back with him Kole.

Charlotte went over to hug him but I stood by the chair. He smiled stiffly at me taking a seat at the table. I sat opposite him ignoring his watchful eyes. Dad and Kole did much of the talking at the dinner table. Charlotte volunteered for us to do the dishes whilst the boys went outside to the garage for beers and to look over the car.

I smiled at Charlotte "I ran into him earlier today, he married her so she could stay in the country. I don't so much care that he is married anymore. He has filed for divorce but he didn't be upfront with me. That is something I should have known about."

Charlotte nodded "you need to now be asking yourself if you are really done. If you can let him go."

I nodded "I don't know if I can. He hurt me but I still love him."

Charlotte excused herself walking out to the shed. Ten minutes later Kole came walking in. I went into the study to get some privacy. Kole pulled me into his arms holding me tight "Charlotte suggested that we need to talk?"

I nodded against his chest "I'm hurt and I love you. I love you so much that this hurts just too much."

Kole nodded kissing my hair "I know baby and if I could go back and tell you I would. I signed the papers. I need Paula to sign and then that is the end."

I nodded "that's really good for you but I am upset that you weren't honest. To hear from someone that wasn't you hurt."

Kole interrupted "I had assumed you knew. Your dad jokes about it, I guess I hoped you didn't remember or something. I love her as a friend and wanted to do her that favour but it was in the darker part of my life, you know I hate talking about that period."

I nodded sitting down in one of the chairs pulling him along with me, his hand grabbed my face holding his cheek tenderly "if we give this another go will you always be honest with me. I mean with everything little and big. I can't continue to be with you if we aren't honest with each other."

Kole nodded throwing his arms around my waist holding me flat against his chest, mine rising and falling with his "I promise baby, you will know everything."

I smiled at him cocking my eye brow. He licked his lips suggestively before smashing his lips against mine. His tongue running over my lower lip asking for entrance. I smiled into the kiss as my hands ran over the ridges of his stomach. He lifted me from my chair pulling me into his lap straddling his waist.

I pulled away breathless "as well as being honest with each other, it's going to be different this time. I can't stay at your place. I want this to be right. I am still going to find a flat, near you and my dad."

Kole nodded agreeing with everything I was saying "will you come back to work for me. I still need a personal assistant and you were honestly great at your job- that's not,just me being bias."

I nodded "I would love that. Have you got anything to add?"

He grinned ear to ear "I want to take you out sometime, preferably this week on a date. I love you."

I pecked his lips once more quickly "tell me when and where."

He squeezed my hand before getting up to meet outside with my dad. Charlotte joined me once again "how did it go?"

I nodded at her "thank you, without you I would still be feeling very sorry for myself. We are giving it another shot."

Charlotte smiled happily "have you thought about telling your dad about the relationship?"

I shook my head "I could imagine already how he would over-react. I love my dad but he can be over the top dramatic especially when it comes to something he disapproves of. I don't want him to get between Kole and I."

Charlotte sat kn the chair Kole had sat in previously "he might surprise you. He loves you both and he only wants you to be happy."

I shook my head "he won't agree with the age difference between Kole and I. They grew up together, they have seen each other's worse."

Charlotte sighed "prolonging it will only make it worse, you don't want Kole to be dishonest to you but you are being dishonest with your kin."

Charlotte left me sitting there contemplating everything she had just said. Her words repeating over and over in my head. I stood from my chair walking outside where the boys were standing around the car drinking beer. I smiled at them as I sat down on one of the chair. Dad placed his hand on the top of my head ruffling my hair "I'm going to head to bed kiddo."

I nodded kissing his cheek. As he got out of sight I whispered "have you thought about telling him?"

Kole nodded "I told him I'm divorced and that I am in love with someone else but I haven't said anything else. I didn't want to say the wrong thing, I thought it was something we should do together."

We only have 2 chapters to go. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting.

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