The Party: Part 2

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The SQUIP just chuckled softly in response as Rich advanced on her. She backed up and fell on a bed, giving out a small yelp.

"I-I don't think..." she stuttered, backing further onto the bed to try and put distance between her and Rich.

However, he just climbed onto the bed and kept advancing until he was practically on top of her. The next thing Evalynn knew, he had forced his lips onto hers and his hands started groping her.

'Why can't I push him away? I can't move my limbs.'

'You're welcome.'

'What about Connor?'

The SQUIP didn't respond as Rich's fingers found her waistline and started pulling down her pants, continuing to kiss her. Her shirt was the next thing to go, then her underwear and bra. He pulled back to stare down at her. Evalynn was screaming at her SQUIP to let her stop it, but she couldn't control anything. When Rich's hands undid the button on his own pants, that's when she really started freaking out.

'Connor! Connor's downstairs waiting for me...'

The SQUIP just smirked at her from over by the door, watching the whole thing happen.

Evalynn couldn't move. After redressing herself, she couldn't bring herself to exit the bedroom. Rich had left half an hour ago after fucking her. Twice. She now sat on the edge of the bed, staring numbly at the wall.

'Go downstairs.'

'Why? What's the point?'

'Go downstairs now.'

Her feet responded, taking her out of the room and down the stairs to the still crowded and very noisy party. Grabbing a cup from a nearby table, she downed its contents quickly. She picked up another one and repeated the process, steadily getting drunker and drunker.


'Good riddance,' Evalynn thought.

"Lynn? Is that you?" a voice said behind her.

Turning, Evalynn found herself face to face with her brother.

"Evan? What are you doing here?"

"I was invited. Are you drunk?"

"Maybe. Where have you been?"

"What do you mean? You've been ignoring me for like two weeks now."

Evalynn tipped her head to the side uncomprehendingly in her drunken state.

"I have to find Connor," she slurred.

"Connor? Wait, Evalynn!"

Turning away from Evan, she moved through the crowd trying to find her boyfriend.



"Oh, fuck, you're really drunk. Come on."

Connor led her out the front door and to his car, helping her into the passenger seat. They drove to the house in silence. When they arrived, Connor carried her inside bridal style and set her down on the couch.

"Man, you're going to have a killer hangover tomorrow. Hold on."

He disappeared for a minute before coming back in holding a cup of water a few small tablets.

"Take these. They'll help."

Evalynn did as she was told, downing most of the water with the tablets. When she was done, Connor took the cup and placed it on a side table.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed."

"But we have to do our nightly ritual first. I have to repeat the phrases the SQUIP says to me."

"Yeah, well, until you're sober again, your SQUIP will stay shut down, so we need to get you to bed."

"But we never skip a night of doing our ritual."

Connor sighed as he helped Evalynn up the stairs.

"Do you want to do the ritual?"

"We have to."

"Okay. What are the phrases it has you repeat?"

"Everything about me is so terrible. Everything about me makes me wanna die," Evalynn slurred as he tucked her into his bed.

Connor froze, staring down at his girlfriend as she shut her eyes and burrowed further into his pillow.

"Everything about you...Oh, Evalynn."

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