Valentine's Plans

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The rest of the semester as well as winter break flew by in a blur. Ever since the day she had blocked Evan from her vision, Evalynn had been more compliant. The SQUIP had kept the shock voltage raised so she did anything they asked in an effort to avoid the electricity. She also no longer sported her white cast, which helped a lot in general. Around Halloween, she had gotten together with Rich with the SQUIP's help.

She hated it, and wished she could go back to Connor, but the first time she brought up this fact to the SQUIP, she had gotten a particularly nasty shock and didn't mention it again. However, as February approached, she decided to risk it.

'Why can't I go back to Connor?'

A shock sent her doubling over in pain, hissing softly.

'My quantum structure enables me to envision possible futures. I know what I'm doing.'

'I hate Rich. He raped me at that party. With Connor it was always consensual.'

Another shock.

'You must trust me.'

'But I-'


'Fine! I'll stay with Rich, but that doesn't mean I have to enjoy it.'

The matter was dropped once more. However, a week before Valentine's Day, Rich asked her about it.

"So, I know next week is Valentine's Day, but I've been thinking."


"This isn't working. I want to break up."

"Break up?"

Rich nodded his head, not meeting her gaze.

'Tell him okay.'


'Do it.'


Rich looked up, surprised.

"Okay? You're okay with this?"

"Yeah, I mean, I kind of agree with you. It's about time."

Rich smiled, looking relieved at her response.

"So you're not mad?"

"Nope. It's cool."

"Great. I'll, um, see you around then."

"Yeah, see you."

Evalynn watched him go, feeling pretty relieved herself. However, a shock broke her out of her trance.

'Turn around.'

Turning, she came face to face with Connor.


"That looked really painful. Don't tell me they're still shocking you."

"Um...t-they are. And they may have up-ed the voltage."


"Sh. Keep your voice down."

"Up-ed the voltage? Lynn, why-"

"It's a long story, Connor. Can we please drop it?"

"Fine. But I want an explanation at some point."

'Ask him about his plans for Valentine's Day.'

"W-what are your Valentine's plans?"

"Oh. Um. I don't really have any plans."

"Neither do I. Do you want to maybe do something together?"

Evalynn was sort of surprised the SQUIP hadn't stopped her.

"Y-you want to get together for Valentine's Day?"

"If you want to. I totally understand if you don't."

"No, actually, that sounds great. I'd like that."


"Yeah. I'll text you with details?"

"That sounds great."

The teens smiled at each other before parting ways to get to class on time.

'You're actually allowing this to happen?'

'My quantum structure enables me to-'

'-Envision possible futures. I remember.'

'Does this mean...?'

'Yeah. I trust you.'

The SQUIP hummed in approval as Evalynn turned her attention to the teacher who was in the middle of a lecture she was supposed to be taking notes over.

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