S I X T E E N: I kinda smuggled this out of the house for you

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S I X T E E N: I kinda smuggled this out of the house for you

My time in England was almost over again, and I would go back tomorrow. There was only one thing I still needed to do, and I had purposely procrastinated it until now, because I was scared of breaking down, and wanted to make myself as strong as possible for it.

So here I was now, with a bottle of alcohol in my hand, walking the extremely familiar path through the cemetery; six rows forward, turning left, and then the 11th grave on my left side. I was happy to see that her grave was well cared for, with fresh flowers and barely any dust or sand on the stone.

I sat down in front of it and closed my eyes, "Hey Syd", I whispered, "Happy new year."

"I'm kind of late with that", I said, letting out a chuckle, "You know I'm good at postponing things, but well, this time I was scared." I brought all my hair over one shoulder, before continuing, "You wanted to dance, not me. And I know you'd tell me that I'm better at it than you, but that doesn't mean that dancing is like, my passion or something."

"You know, you always used to talk to me and April about how we would get drunk at parties when we finally got 16, and I never really understood why", I said, opening the lid of the bottle and taking a swig, "Well, I kinda smuggled this out of the house for you, I know, I wouldn't have dared doing something like that a few years ago, but I've changed. You were right about the parties, they're actually fun. You want some too?" I asked and then poured some of the liquor on the stone.

Hopefully that wasn't illegal.

"Yeah yeah, you told me so, I know. That's not the only thing I do in America, though. The dancing part is actually really tough, and we're gonna have to participate in a talent show. I hate Ms Rodriguez, by the way. She's gonna kill me one day with all the exhausting things she makes me do. She does tell me I have potential, so it's not like she hates me. Well, the feeling isn't mutual", I let out a chuckle and didn't say anything for a while.

"And I made friends", I said quietly, "it wasn't even that hard, and they're actually really great. There's Kate, she's always talking, but not in the annoying way. And she's kind of funny, but serious too, sometimes. Then you have Alyssa and Zoey. I don't really talk to them when we're alone, but they're nice company when we're with the entire group. Brennan thinks everything is funny, and Jason, my roommate, is like a fourth brother to me. He pulls pranks, though, and that can be annoying at times. Oh, and we kissed", I let out a laugh, "It was disgusting, but yeah. Then there's Rania. She's in the same dance classes as I am, and she's a pretty quiet girl. And Bradley... I don't know what to say about him. It's weird when we talk, because I feel like he can see right through me, so I can't hide behind a mask or something. We almost kissed twice, but I pulled away, I know I know, I shouldn't have done that in your eyes, should've just done it, but I couldn't, so yeah, that's it."

I sighed, "Just know that as soon as I graduate from that school, I won't ever dance again. But I will finish it, because that's what I promised, and I don't break promises. Ever."

"I should just go now", I said and placed the bottle on her stone, "I've probably forgotten to tell you a lot, but that's life. You can keep the bottle, and hopefully somebody will have stolen it before mum or dad comes here to visit you again", I finished with a chuckle. "Bye Syd, love ya." After getting up, I waved at the stone and walked away.

That's done.


"You were very useful", Rania said as she downed her entire bottle of water.

"I can't help it! Glass can be sharp, you know."

"Watch out better then! I'm dead because of all the stupid choreography ideas you have, and you aren't doing anything!" She looked extremely mad at the moment, so I started laughing.

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