Chapter 7

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??: Have you ever even seen a hamburger before?

y/n: No, i've seen one, I just have never eaten one

??: Group B eat plain food. Plant based diet, no sauses, no seasoning

Y/n: ugh what textbook did you swallow?

??: Nice to meet you to. I'm Hyunjin, Group E

Hwasa: ugh of course you are

Hyunjin: No offense but im suprised group A even eat at all.

i glare at him

Hyunjin: Too slefish, right?

Hwasa: you have to be pretty self confident to be friends witha Candor.

Hyunjin: Ah- whats that supposed to mean?

Hwasa: You have no filter, you say the first thing that comes to your mind

Y/n: you mean like "you're an idoit"

everyone laughed. Well now i feel proud

Hwasa: Nice one gal. At least we can tell the truth

Hyunjin: Group E can tell the truth because we have facts

Hwasa:shut up, i dont wanna hear about your old fashion faculty

MaGiCaL tImE sKiP

V: I want everyone in the pit in two minutes!

V: These are 2 stages of training. The first is physical, push your bodies to their breaking point. And you'll master the mathods of cambat. The second is mental, again, breaking point. You'll face your worst fears and conquer them unless they get you first. You'll be trained separately from the group D born, and you will be ranked together. After initiation, ranking will determine what jobs you'll do. Leadership, guarding the fence, or keeping the factionless from killing each other. The ranking will also determine on who gets cut

y/n: Cut?

V: At the end of each stage of training, the lowest ranking people will be leaving us.

Y/n: To do what?

V: Theres no going home to your families. So you'll have to join the factionless

Hyunjin: We didnt know that?!

V: Its a new rule

Hyunjin: A new rule? Someone should've told us that!

Bobby: Why? Would you had chosen differently? Out of fear? I mean if thats the case then you might as well get out now. If you're really one of us, if would not have mattered

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