Chapter 10

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Hyunjin: There she is!

Hwasa : You have a death wish, you know that?

Hyunjin: I can't believe you said that to Bobby. No one has ever stood up to him.

Hwasa: oh god look at your ear! Let's get you cleaned up.

Jimin: Hey k.c! Thanks back there, it was a very badass move from you

Y/n: thanks and, no problem

Johnny: impressive K.c!

Hyunjin: shut up

Johnny: what? *looks towards me* Hey your famous now. I mean, not because of the thing with Bobby. Your in the news.

Jimin: yeah!

I look up to the t.v and see a news person saying:
"The recent transfers of Kim y/n and Kim Namjoon, children of Kim y/d/n, call into question the soundness. What promoted them to leave the normal lifestyle of group A and settle in much more complex lifestyles?  Perhaps the answer lies in the corrupted ideal of an entire faction. The theft of resources, the general incompetence, the abuse of their own children"

Hyunjin: omg did they beat you?

Johnny: Like how Jackson was beat?

Y/n: they don't beat anyone, they're good people.

Johnny: Right, that's why you left?

Ugh fckn hell I hate this Johnny guy, I only met him yesterday but still, I hate his personality. I can't take his bs anymore, so I just leave

Johnny: was it something I said?

Hwasa: you're an idiot

Hyunjin: yeah

*Hwasa and Hyunjin follow after y/n*

As I'm walking away I get stopped by this girl, which I was told to be some sort of ruler

???: Hey, your Kim y/d/n daughter, aren't you? Kim y/n

Ugh I'm not in the mood to speak to anyone

Y/n: it's just k.c

???: K.c, I like that

Y/n: mm yeah

???: you made an impressive choice, k.c, despite your parents. And you test result

Y/n: wait, you've seen my test result?

???: of course, I'm glad you were smart enough to know your own mind. Let me know if there's anything you need.
She walks away

Hwasa: that was weird

Y/n: yeah~

Hwasa: what do you think is going on?

Hyunjin: I bet they're hunting Diverse people. That's all they y'all about.

Hwasa: Group E people these days man.

                           - to be continued -

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