Chapter 12

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I slowly sneak up behind Hwasa and tap her shoulder.

Y/n: hey

Hwasa: what are you doing here?

Y/n: I just figured I had to make it.

Hwasa: who let you out?

Y/n: I did

Hwasa: you did? Okay. Let's sit you down.

Bobby: The game is simple. It's like capture the flag. Weapon of choice *shows a gun*

Johnny: you call that a gun? *laughs*

Bobby rolls his eyes at him and shoots him with the gun

Bobby: Neuro-stim dart. Simulates the pain of a real gunshot wound. Only lasts a couple of minutes. Two teams, V and I are team captains.

V: You pick first

Bobby: Get up Johnny and join my group

V: K.c

Bobby: ah, picking the weak ones first so you have someone to blame when you loose?

V: something like that

Ouch. I walk towards V and stand beside him

mAgIcAl tImE sKIp

Hwasa: where did Bobby's team go?

Hyunjin: must have gone to the end

V: alright lights off. Gather round, come on!

Y/n: what's your strategy?

V: we can hide the flag well enough so they can't find it. Let's send out a team to scout their location. See if we can find their flag. I say we blitz them. Just-

Hyunjin: yeah that's the best way to loose them quickly

- let's make them come to us
- end this quickly, they won't expect it

Hyunjin: but we don't know where they are. Okay, split into two groups, defense and offense.

Jimin: who put you you in charge?

Y/n: someone needs to decide

Jimin: we need to be more aggressive

Hyunjin: we need to be smart About it

They continue arguing, I'm getting sick of it so I just go to the balcony on the building which is classes as our 'base'

Bam bam: You're not gonna jump, are you?

Y/n: No, I'm just trying to get a good vantage point

Bam bam: good thinking

Bam bam is a guy I made friends with whilst training, he's a good guy, honestly

Y/n: you don't have to come with me you know.

Bam bam: you should go easy, you took a beating.

Y/n: I'm surprised you even noticed, I saw you leaving half way through the fight

Bam bam: it's....not something I would like to watch

V: k.c!

I turn around to see V or Taehyung running up towards me.

V: are you good? Are you okay?

He said whilst checking me other a looking at my face and hands

Y/n: yeah, I'm fine.
I said whilst smiling at him
Bam bam went to go snoop out somewhere else so now it's just me and Taehyung
Taehyung looks over the side and let's out a shaky sigh

Y/n: Lets go to the balcony next level up

V: No, this so high enough

Y/n: No, we need to go higher

I turn around to see him shaking a little

Y/n: hey *asked softly*, you okay?

V: I have a fear of nights

Y/n: Everyone's afraid of something

                           - to be continued-

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