Chapter 9

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im so sorry if this seems boring rn you guys, its just i cant make it sound interesting as it is in the movie, you can actually see whats going on. but please bare with me for a sec

y/n: ugh

V: You're weak, you have no muscle, you're not gonna win, not like that

y/n: Thats nice to know

V: Yeah your gonna have to use your whole body, your fast, i know you can do it

V, which i have recently found out his real name to be Kim Taehyung has been taeching how to fight for the past few days, it really has been working. im getting higher on the ranking board.

Taehyung: if you attack first, you win. But always remember, you aim for the neck.

Bobby: V! Keep working!

Hwasa: AGH *falls to the ground* stop! Hyunjin!

Bobby: What? you need a break?

Hwasa: *panting heavly* yes, yeah

Bobby: here let me help you up. Everyone take a break!

we start walking on the brigde over the pit

i look over to Hwasa to see her nose, lip and head bleeding. oof that looked bad. what did Hyunjin do to her?

all of a sudden i hear hwasa screaming in pain. All of us look over to see what was happening. I see bobby had thrown her over the railing and is forcing her to hang there

Bobby: Grab on to the railing!!

all i can hear is Hwasa's screams and Bobby's shouting

Bobby: You have three options, hang there and i'll forget your cowardness.

i hear her scream again

Bobby: Or give up. But if you give up, you're out

fck i feel so bad. Shit she's slipping

y/n: Come on Hwasa! you've got this

Bobby: time!

we rush to go help her up. i help her stand up and hug her, she's shaking and crying.

MaGicAl tIMe sKiP

I walk into training and see we are using knifes, mmm normal. As I'm looking at everyone doing there thing I see Jimin's knife last knife miss, a lot. He sighs.

Bobby: Well? Go pick it up!

Jimin: Whilst they're throwing?

Bobby: Yeah! Why, are you afraid?

Jimin: By getting stabbed with a airborne knife? Yes

Bobby: everyone stop!

It goes silent

Bobby: stand in front of the target. V! Give me your hand. *looks at Jimin* you're gonna stand there whilst he throws knifes a you, and if I see you flinch, you're out.

V starts throwing knifes at Jimin, barley missing him.

Bobby: one thing you will learn here, is that rules aren't optional

Ugh. I really hate this Jimin guy but. He looks scared

Y/n: *sighs* stop!

V and Bobby stop and look at me

Y/n: Anyone can stand in front of a target, it won't prove anything.

Jimin looks at me surprised

Bobby: then it should be easy for you to take his place?

I look at V to find him looking at me, trying to hide is nervousness. I start walking up to the target and stand we're Jimin was standing.

Bobby: Same rules apply.

V backs away a bit

Bobby: oh come on V! You can get closer than that.

V: you want me to give her a little trim?

Bobby: yeah, just a little over the top

V starts throwing them in my direction, I take I deep breathe. It seems like they're getting closer. Then suddenly, I feel a sharp sting on my cheek. I can't help myself and flinch a bit

Bobby: points for bravery k.c, not as many as you lost for flinching though. We train soldiers, not rebels. But we're done for today, get out

V: Are you alright?

Y/n: you cut me
I said whilst touching my cheek

V: I meant to

Y/n: you meant to?!

V: do you think he would've let you of without a scratch? You'd still be standing if I didn't hit you.

Y/n: so am I supposed to thank you?

V: You're supposed to be smart. If I wanted to hurt you, I would've

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