Chapter 26

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He bends down and grabs the gun with me, stoping me from shooting myself. I can see fear in his eyes.

Y/n: It's okay, it's okay Tae. It's me. It's me. It's me. It's me.

He looks at me, now with more fear in his eyes.

Y/n: I love you, it's okay, I love you, Tae.

He looks down trying to keep control of himself.

Y/n: Hey look at me.
I hold his chin to make him look at me. His breathing turns back to normal. The gun sides of my forehead.

V: y/n?
I get a bit surprised when he calls me by my real name.

Y/n: yeah, it's me.
He looks over to the guards and Mrs Choi.

Y/n: go.

Taehyung shoots at the guards, causing them to fall unconscious.

Mrs Choi: Finish it. Fast!

I look over to see Mrs Choi making the people (group D people mind) start holding up their guns, ready to shoot. I throw my knife towards her hand. It slices threw her hand.

Mrs Choi: Agh fck!
I walk over to her.

Y/n: Shut it down.

Mrs Choi: *chuckles* no.

I look at the screen showing what's happening and see Hwasa holding up her gun at them. I pull the knife out of her hand and hold it to her neck.

Y/n: I'm not gonna ask you again. Do it! Shut it down!

Mrs Choi: I admire you willing to die for what you believe. But so am I.

My hand starts shaking.

Mrs Choi: you cant do it can you?

I start looking around, trying to find something to help me. My eyes land on the thing that makes them get controlled. Taehyung follows my eyes and gives me a nod once he realizes what I'm thinking. I push Mrs Choi away.

Mrs Choi: maybe you're not quite as Group D as you thought you were.

Y/n: You're right. I'm not.
Taehyung throws me the gun thingy (lmao)

Y/n: I'm diverse.

I grab her neck and shoot it in her. She looks down then back up.

Y/n: now shut it down and wipe the program.

She walks up to the screen and shuts it down. I look at the screen showing Hwasa and see her Lower her gun and start breathing normally. I look at Taehyung, he starts caressing my arms.

Mrs Choi: No, no!

Y/n: don't get me wrong, there's some sort of beauty in your existence.

I punch her and she faints.

                          - to be continued-

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