Chapter 13

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Y/n: I didn't think you were afraid of anything

V: come on K.C really? *chuckles*

Y/n: There it is! Look! The flag

V: Good eye. What's your plan?

At this point all of the team is with us

Y/n: We split into two groups. We'll go up this side and let the rest of you manage Bobby.

sMaLl tImE sKiP

We're getting closer to Bobby's base, there's a lot of people now.

- cover me!

-ugh Ow!!

Johnny: tell me how much this hurts

I turn around quickly to see Johnny aiming at me

Y/n: you tell me

I shoot and he falls to

Johnny: you bitch!

Hwasa: ugh asshole

I kick Johnny before me and Hwasa leave

Hwasa: that was awesome!!

We both giggle. But that didn't last long as we here more shooting.

Hwasa: go K.C, I'll cover

I quickly run Into the building, shooting anyone who tries to stop me. Finally I reach the top of the building and start waving the flag, signifying we won

- wooooooo!!!!!!
- Yes K.C!!!!!!!!

Jimin: Game over!

Hyunjin: Hey, K.C!

Y/n: yeah?

Hyunjin: wanna come with us?

Y/n: where are you going?

Hyunjjn: shortcut back. A little initiation ritual, group D style.

Hyunjin walks me to what I can see as a zip line.

Y/n: wow

- come on K.C! You can do it
- it's like flying!

I look at Hyunjin to make sure it's actually safe. He gives me a nod, so i go up and get in the harness.

- just make sure to pull the break once you're at the bottom!

Y/n: okay *takes a deep breath*

- you ready?
- harness is good

-Okay 3...2...1....go!
A start moving down the zip line. It's amazing. It goes through buildings, and everything. I'm too busy enjoying the view to realize I'm near the bottom

- pull the break!
- pull the breakkk!!!!!

I panicked and quickly felt around to find the break, I find it and pull it. I close my eyes and feel myself coming to a complete stop. I open my eyes when I here cheering, all I see is wall. Just missed it.

MaGicAl tImE sKiP

V: K.C!

I walk over to him

Y/n: hey

V: hey. Congratulations

Y/n: thanks

V: you know, I wanted to say that you were really good tonight. You were brave.

Y/n: yeah *small smile*

V: anyway, you gotta get back to your friends

Y/n: oh, right yeah.
I didn't even realize I was kinda staring at him

Bobby: if you're ranked above the red line, you'll move on to the second stage of training, if you're below it. We'll waste no more time on you. Here, there are your rankings

Hyunjin: nice!

Hwasa: you made it!

                             - to be continued-

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