Chapter 19

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Y/n *gasp* oh my god

I'm shaking. His face is covered in blood.

I stand up to walk away, I can't handle seeing him like that

V: K.C! K.C!

Y/n: leave me alone.

V: I'm so sorry about Bam bam.

Y/n: it's my fault he's dead.

V: it's not because of you. He made his own decision. He would've been factionless. He wasn't gonna pass that final test.

Y/n: And neither am I!

V: why do you say that?

Y/n: You know why! And as soon as all the others find out, they're gonna kill me.

V: I'm not gonna let that happen.

Time skip

*in the test room*

V: shut the door please.

I shut it.

V: you're gonna practice.

Y/n: in my fear landscape?

V: No, in mine. We're gonna do it together.

Y/n: have you ever this before?

V: No, I haven't

Y/n: are you sure you wanna do this?

V: Why wouldn't I?

Y/n: oh i don't know, you haven't told me anything about yourself and now you're just gonna let me inside your head?

V: yes
He says as he injects the serum in me and him.

We wake up on a wooden plank balancing between 2 high buildings.

V: *sigh* fear of heights

Y/n: I'm not surprised. It's not real, we should just jump.

V: Diverse people should jump. Group D would get to that building *points to the building in our left*  if you want to pass, if you want to avoid discovery, you have to do everything Group D would do. You have to find some tool, some method to survive.

We run quickly to the left building and get into it. Next thing we know we are in Taehyung's home. I look to But it's not. I'm right here.

Y/n: who is she?
I see Tae pick up a gun.

V: she's an innocent, I have to kill her. But I could never do it.

I look at him shocked. Is he confessing something?

V: unless I look away
He shoots. And the girl falls to the ground. I look at Taehyung to see him breathing heavily. Suddenly we find ourself as in Group B "headquarters"

Y/n: why are we here?

V: the last thing you hallucinate is your worst fear. It lives in the deepest part of your mind. Jackson had a Nephew.

Y/n: what was his name?

Jackson: Tobias....

I look at Tae and see him backing away. I start looking around the whole room to see Jackson everywhere, Chanting Tobias. I notice he has a belt in his hand, coming closer to Taehyung. Before he strikes at Taehyung We both wake up panting. I look at Tae confused. It didn't end?

V: four years. I've been going back there for four years. I can never finish him.

                         - to be continued-

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