Chapter 1 : Naggy Taeyeon

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Baekhyun's POV

"Why must we adopt a child if you can give birth to our own children?" I asked my wife, Taeyeon.

"I said we are adopting a kid and that's that!" She replied back.

Grrrrrr...... Sometimes I wonder why did I get married with her. I hate her but I still love her, can't help it. She has her charm. During her snsd days, she was really famous. She had many fanboys and fan girls. Even now, they are still fans begging her to be a solo singer.

Taeyeon's POV

My best friend Tiffany adopted a daughter with her husband nichkhun last week. Both of us have always wanted to adopt children since we feel sorry for those orphans that were abandoned and can't grow up with parents.

I don't know why baekhyun is totally against it. He is just stubborn.

/////////// The next day /////////////////

Baekhyun's POV

"Come on!!! We are almost late!! I made an appointment at 7.30am!! We have to be there in 40 minutes!!!" Taeyeon shouted in my ears while I was still half asleep.

Ughhhh why did she make an appointment so early?? Its not like there will be many people.

I miss those days when taeyeon was still a singer. She was really cheerful and dorky. She was always really kind to me and never scolds me.

"Are you done day dreaming? We have to go in 10 minutes so get ready!!!" She waved her hands in my face to stop me from spacing out while placing her hands on her hips.

Taeyeom's POV

Today is the day we adopt our kid. I am so excited!!!

Baekhyun and I will be raising a kid! Wait, speaking of baekhyun, why is he not awake yet? Oh no, we will be late because of that sleepyhead.

I ran into our bedroom where baekhyun was still asleep and shouted in his ears, "Come on!!! We are almost late!! I made an appointment at 7.30am!! We have to be there in 40 minutes!!!"

He groaned and sat up reluctantly.

Baekhyun's POV

I got ready in 5 minutes. I'm so fast right? Unlike that annoying taeyeon who takes 1 hour just to get ready.

"Are you done yet? Get in the car now!!! I said WE ARE LATEEEEEEE!!" *sigh* here she goes again, she scolds me everyday, can't she be a little nicer to me? I miss dorky and cute Taeyeon, she is now like a devil.

"I SAID GET IN THE CAR!" She shouted again. She is like the man in our relationship. She is so bossy. Just because she is my wife doesn't mean she can boss me around. She treats me like a dog.

/////////In the car/////////
Baekhyun's POV

"Here, read this book. Remember, don't spoil our child. I don't want our kid to turn into a brat like you..." Taeyeon passed me a book while she was driving.

I filped through the pages and there were tips about childcare. Seriously, all these are basics, does she think that I am so dumb to not even know stuff like that???

I threw the book to the back of the car then I folded my arms and closed my eyes to take a rest. Its a 30 minutes car ride.

"Hey, why are you sleeping again? Don't you want to read about how to take care of our child?" She woke me up with the question.

"I already know all those, pabo. Do you really think your husband is so stupid?" I said as I remembered the test she gave me before our marriage to prove that I'm not dumb.

Taeyeon is cute but she can be really annoying sometimes. To the point that I can't STAND her.

Taeyeon's POV

*SIGH* He is even too lazy to read the book. I wonder how is he suppose to be a dad. He will probably give me more trouble than the child. When is he ever gonna grow up?

////// at the adoption center /////////

Baekhyun's POV

"Sir, madam, are you Mr and Mrs byun?" The lady at the counter asked us.

"Yes. And I've made an appointment with Ms Im." Taeyeon replied formally.

The lady brought us to a room at the second level. This place isn't as bad as I thought, its not run down at all!

After we entered the room, both Taeyeon and I were surprised at who we saw. It was none other than....

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