Game Night : The Kol Master

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After last week's Game Night, Kol decided to pick an even satirised game. And after his encounter with Bonnie, he had done a lot of research. Finally picking the game 'Pin The Tail On The Donkey - Kol Master Style'

"Greetings, Ladies and Gentleman," he looked at Jeremy. "And Jeremy." The younger boy scowled at him but he countinued. "I would like to introduce," he tugged the sheet he had covered onto the board and smiled evilly. "Pin The Tail On The Donkey.' Kol Master Style."

"Kol Master Style? Are you serious Kol?" Rebekah asked in boredom.

He scowled at her. "Yes. And before you start the mockery I would like to warn you for it is your turn after me." He suddenly thought. "And we wouldn't want anything bad to happen now would we, dear sister?"

She growled but shut her mouth nontheless. He smirked in triumph.

"Go on brother." Elijah supported.

"Alright." He picked the donkey tail and explained, thoroughly but clearly. "When a victim is called up the enemy has thirty seconds to tells us a certain pose of where to put the tail and then try and pin the tail on the victim's chosen spot.

If the victim let's out a sound, a moan or anything the same then that person will be foxed to do a dare of the other person's set."

Matt was about to say something but Kol shushed him.

"Ah, Ah, Ah," he warned, wiggling his index finger, "We wouldn't want you to lose a head now would we Matt?"

Matt scoffed.

"Anyway, I will be first, but in the victim position will be," he looked at his victim in amusement. "Bonnie."

"No way! You can't do that you cheat." She shook her head at him.

"Aw come on darling," he looked at her and bargained more closer. "I promise to behave."

She tried to breathe but it was too much so she just nodded.

He grinned in victory and at her dark scowl.

"Here you go." Elena brought him a scarf.

"Thank you doppelganger, at last, someone who cares to like this game." He commented. She smiled.

"I just want to finish this for my sister's misery."

He glared. "Well then, someone just signed your death sentence."

Damon flashed I front of her, his pose in a protective stance.


Kol sighed. "Don't worry, Nik won't let me touch a pretty hair in her head. Saves you the trouble."

"Just get on with the game!" Stefan bellowed.

He received curious glares.

"Didn't know you wanted to play so bad, rippah." Klaus teased.

Caroline hit him. He just smiled.

"An excuse to touch me love?"

She scoffed, about to reply.

"Can we just continue!?" Stefan shouted.

"Yes, fine okay." Kol said.

"What spot?" Bonnie asked chidedly.

"Back spine." He said, loving the way excitement filled in her eyes but knowing she didn't want to show it.

He tied the last knot on the scarf around his head and blinked his eyes multiple times before finally turning round and spiraled his hands around, trying to find Bonnie.

He stood there and held the tail in his hand, using his other one to hold her arm. He gently carrassed the skin, and he heard the low cackle sound that took out, only he was the only one to have heard it.

After finally reacher back, he went lower, to her spine exasuel and tryed very hard not to shake. He softly put the tailed sticker onto her skin. He simply glided his hands up and felt her shriken in an agonising pace.

"Done." He whispered before turning around and snatching the bottle of bourbon from Damon's palm, gulping it in once and sitting next to Elena.

Bonnie was still confused and her breathing was erratic

"Who's turn is it now?" Caroline asked curiously.

Klaus smirked. The irony, he thought.

"Mine." He said. "And I want you to be the enemy."

She was left gobsmacked as he walked toward the front, lifting the scarf from Kol's head.

She followed him and and took the garment in a haste. She knew what he was doing, he was trying to make her break, but she wasn't going to. Even if that kiss he had given her was everything she thought about.

He smiled that smug smile of his before taking off his top. She didn't know why he did it but she wasn't letting her confidence help because it already betrayed her as her eyes lit up.

"Why is your shirt off?" She asked, trying to cover up her throaty voice, but already seeming to have lost it.

"I wanted it to be a bit more," he raspily said. "Challenging."

She scoffed and turned to Kol.

He shrugged with a laugh. "My brother is trying to seduce you, I can't say that I'm not going to help him."

"I'm too smart to be seduced by you." She murmured.

"I'm know. That's why I love it."

She tried not to let it get to her. But how could she? He literally pronounced his love for her in front of everyone, and by the tone of his voice, he meant it and he wasn't embarrassed.

"What spot?"

If he wanted to play by his game, she'd make her own.

Let the games begin.

She smirked. "Dick."

And by the looks of it, he was as baffled and astounded as everyone else. But he was sexually astounded. Sexually baffled. And sexually titillated.

"Well then, don't let me stop you."

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