~M~ Period - Jaden hossler❤️

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(Y/n POV)

"Hey babe- what wrong" Jaden said coming in our room as I was groaning, holding my stomach. "I- I think I'm on my period" I said Groaning more.

"Wait hold up" he says walking up to me. He lefts me off the bed and sees blood everywhere on his white sheets "Omg.. I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean too.." I said looking down sad.

"Hey baby look at me" he says putting me down back on the bed but not where the blood is. I looked at him as a tear rolled down my face

"Aw baby.. it's okay. Don't worry" he said pulling me into a hug "I love you, you know" he says pulling away "Yeah. I love you too" I said as he wipes my tear away.

"Now. Sit here, while I go run the hot water for you to take a bath" he said as he hands me my phone. "Okay love" I said. He walks to our bathroom and I heard water running.

I went on tiktok for awhile, and than Jaden comes to the room "Hey, bath is ready. I got you clothes, a towel and your favourite body wash in there" he says

"Aw thank you Jay." I said going for a hug. "I'll change the sheets and go for pads and your favourite food and snacks" he said pulling away

"Okay love. Be safe" I said walking in the bathroom and I heard a faint 'Yeah. Okay'

I took off my clothes and jump in the bath.


After awhile I got out and rapped the towel jaden put down for me. I dried myself off and changed into black track shorts and jaden's I hoodie.

I blowed dried my hair and put it in a messy bun. I walked out and sat down on a clean bed. I rapped myself up and grabbed the remote and played outer banks.


After 10 minutes in, Jaden walks in with two bags and I paused the show "hey babe. How you feeling?" He asks walking towards me "Hey love. I'm fine. Just hurts a bit" I said sitting up straight "okay. I got you candy, chocolate, Taco Bell, gold fish, cookies, and pads and tampons. I also got a new speaker for us" he says pulling out all of the stuff

"Omg Jaden.. your the best" I said pulling him in a hug. We hugged and pulled away "Anything for my baby" he says kissing my lips.

After that he laid down with me and put the stuff on the ground instead the speaker and my food.

We ate and talked for awhile but after I was done eating, we watched more outer banks and chilled

"I want more cuddles" I said making a puppy face he chuckles and nods "Okay. But first I wanna play music" he says and I nod. He connects to the speaker and plays one of our favourite songs (up top)

I smiled as he lays back down and cuddles me "Hey Jaden?" I said. "Yes y/n?" he said looking down at me "I love you and thank you so much for everything" I said "I love you too. And like I said. 'Anything for my baby" he said as he kisses me.

A/n: HI! Hope you like this ever first image. I might make a smut next..

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