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The blonde girl stepped out of a bathroom stall. She stared at some of the hostages who had came in, then glanced at Nairobi in the doorway. Viena watched as the teenagers threw glares at Alison Parker, and that she was clearly uncomfortable.

Viena went over to one of the sinks to wash her hands, hoping that her presence would scare the teens. It didn't work though. They surrounded her and began throwing insults.

"There's no butler here to wash your hands." Said one of the boys. "You're the only one getting out. We're all staying here."

Domingo 4:40 P.M.

"Daddy is not here." Another taunted.

They started to yell things at the girl, but Viena wasn't going to step in yet. She wanted to see if Alison could defend herself, if she could tell those bullies to leave her alone.

54 Horas De Atraco

"You've earned some followers with that tit pic." Said Pablo, the boy who took the picture of her.

Alison tried getting away, but the shoved her back. Viena looked back at Nairobi who was watching the scene too. She gripped the sides of the sink, hoping she wouldn't have to beat the shit out of those kids.

Once they started getting violent with Alison, Viena drew her knife. She stomped over the the kids and grabbed one of them, pointing the tip of her knife to the boy's crotch. The other kids didn't notice, they were only focused on Alison's screams.

"Hey!" Yelled Nairobi, coming into the room. The kids stepped away from Alison and Viena let go of the boy, pushing him slightly.

"A bunch of assholes, all of you!" Viena scolded.

Nairobi put a calming hand on the girl's shoulder. "This is what they teach you in private school? To gang up on each other? How brave of you. All in a pack against one girl."

"You think this makes you cool? Huh?" Viena asked them. "You're all idiots."

Helsinki stood in the doorway watching them. Viena nodded her head at him, in which he returned the gesture.

"And you're the bravest. Right, athlete?" Nairobi got in Pablo's face. "The one with the biggest balls, right? Let's check it out."

Viena smirked as Nairobi grabbed onto his crotch, looking around at the other teenagers. "They're like quail's eggs. What sound does the quail make?"

"I don't know much about birds." Pablo choked out.

"Then what sound does the chicken make?"

Viena laughed at Pablo as he started making the sounds of a chicken. Nairobi looked at Viena and smirked at her.

"Louder! Come on!" Viena ordered. Pablo repeated the noise louder then groaned as Nairobi squeezed him harder.

"Very good." She let go of the boy and spoke to the Serb. "Helsinki, take these kids. This one first."

He led the kids out as Nairobi asked Alison to wait. Truthfully, Viena felt sorry for the girl. She knew the kind of life Alison was living, and in some way resonated with her a little. Being forced to do everything your father says, with no opportunity to do what you want. Having to live up to the highest expectations, and knowing that failure wasn't an option.

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