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There comes a time in ones life when everything seems hopeless.

Well, for Alvaro García, that's how he felt for years.

From an early age, he understood that he would never see his parents again, he would never have a sense of family again. Alvaro would be utterly alone in a cruel world that didn't care about him. He'd be stuck in Madrid with no way out, and no way to make enough money to get out.

At eighteen years old, he found himself sleeping on a dingy mattress in an abandoned factory in the outskirts of Madrid. He had been squatting there for five months, and it had been the longest 'home' he had had in a while.


He thought that word was funny. The brunette hadn't experienced a real home since he was nine... since his parents were still around.

Laying on his sunken mattress, he stared up at the rotting ceiling, listening to the snores of another man across the room. He thought about what his life would have been like if his parents were never arrested, or even if he had stayed with his parents 'friends'. He could've had a childhood, a family... a home. Alvaro could have had friends or even a girlfriend.

But, life isn't fair, and Alvaro just so happened to draw the short end of the stick. He was one of the many unlucky ones, and there was no one around to help him. He couldn't get a proper job, for he was wanted by the police and other gang members, so he was stuck scrambling for cash. He mostly pick-pocketed and worked odd jobs that didn't require any identification.

Alvaro turned on his side, pulling a thin blanket over him. He sighed as he closed his tired eyes and tried to imagine a better life.

Viena stood up from checking on Río who was fast asleep on a couch. Nairobi stood next to her, arms crossed. To say the two were pissed off would be an understatement, and Berlín knew it too.

"Watch him." Berlín ordered them.

Viena scoffed as Nairobi shot back. "I didn't sign up to be anyone's nurse."

Berlín stopped in his tracks and turned around to face them. Viena narrowed her eyes at him before she spoke. "Nor listen to your shitty speeches or to have a fucking therapy session."

"I've kept my fucking mouth shut," argued Nairobi. "to avoid fucking things up more than they already are. And Viena here doesn't know any different to follow orders, even if she doesn't agree with them."

Viena crossed her arms, feeling exposed. Nairobi was right, though. No matter how much she disagreed with Berlín or any aspect of the plan, she would still follow her orders no matter what. It was who she was, who she was grown to be. It was how she was taught to be a good soldier.

"How nice of you to worry about the group." Berlín said sarcastically.

"You know what I'm really worried about? The Professor, Berlín. He's not around, just you. And he's the head of all this."

Viena turned back to look at Río, passed out on the couch. She walked over to him, still listening to Nairobi and Berlín. She sat down on the rug under beneath the couch, so that she was close to his face.

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