Chapter 2

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Umm that was weird I have not seen Jug that happy since the 5th grade right before Y/N left. Does he like her or is just because they are really good friends. They also said she came to visit Jug because of stuff but didn't say what. Maybe Archie knows why Jug is acting like this so I am gonna call him. 


"Hey Arch, it's Betty."

"Oh hey Betty what's going on?"

"Oh nothing but do you think something is going on between Y/N and Jughead? I mean I haven't seen him that since the 5th grade."

"Umm... You do have a point there. Maybe? You know who would know based off of how they act? Veronica, ask her tomorrow when we get to school." 

"That's a great idea Archie. Thanks got to go to bed Goodnight."

"Goodnight" Then he hung up, I can't wait to find this out and if it true we can try and get them together.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and Jug knocking on my door saying "Hey Y/N can I come in?" I groaned in response then sat up and replied with

"Yeah I guess." while rubbing my eyes. He then oped my bedroom door and gave me a smile while he sat at the end of my bed. 

"You ready for your first day at Riverdale High?" I nodded and then laid back down. "Come on, school starts soon and I still need to show you around get up." He said grabbing my hand.

"But, Jug I am tired!" I complained then an idea came into my head. "I'll get up if you pick out my clothes for today." I said with a smirk knowing Jug will do it and get me clothes I like.

"Fine" he said rolling his eyes and went to my closet. He grabbed a pair of blue jeans, a navy blue t-shirt that said 'leave me alone I just want to talk to my animals' and a gray jacket as well. He then threw them at me and said. "Okay here you go now get dress and meet me down stairs so I can walk you to school." I nodded and he walked out of my room. I got up out of bed and got dressed and found my favorite pair of cowboy boots and put them on. I brushed my hair and left it down. I found my phone put it in my pocket and grabbed my bag and ran down stairs. Jug was standing by the front door with my mom and dad.

"Bye mom, Bye dad see you after school." I said with a smile while heading towards the door.

"Bye sweetheart, also remember meet me at the station after school. Also Jug can you walk here there with everything that is going on?" Looked at Jug and I was just confused with what they meant. Jug nodded and then we walked out the door and headed to school.

"Jug what did he mean with everything going on?" I looked at him confused and he gave me a smile.
"So I forgot to tell you. Do you remember Jason Blossom?" I nodded. "Well over the summer he supposedly drowned at sweet water river than it turned out that he didn't drown and he was shot. So now we are trying to figure out who killed Jason."
I was shocked. "Wait so someone killed Jason and you are trying to solve it?" 
"Well me and Betty. Also she has a crush on Archie so if you want to try and get them together you can but I don't know how that will go because Veronica also like him. And Archie had a thing with a teacher which is why he bailed on our rode trip. Also we made up so need to go off on him anymore." I looked at him and was about to say something but was interrupted by Archie and Betty running up to us.

"Hey guys what's up?" Archie asked.
"Nothing much, and hello to you too." I responded and looked to Jug.
"Yeah, Jug you never came home last night I told you could stay the night last night?" Archie said looking at him waiting for an answer.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. I stayed at Y/N's last night." He said giving him a smile. "I forgot to tell you. And I also forgot I said I would come over." I playfully punched him in the arm and we finally got to school and we and Jug went to the office while Archie and Betty went to their lockers. "So which Locker do you have?"

Childhood Best Friend (Jughead X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now