...Then There Was the Abs Class...

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"Come on, ladies, work those booties! You want those abs, you gotta earn them!"

Currently Morro was leading a class for ab workouts, and they were currently doing lunge squats, "Deborah, gossip about 365 Days with Susan after the workout, please!"

His phone rang, "Alright, everyone do planks. I'll be right back!" He left the studio and answered the call, "Ronin! How are things?"

"Uh...what should I wear to the dinner with your dad? Stripes or checks?"

"Dude. Checks. Definitely checks. Stripes are for festivals, and summer. This is a formal sit down dinner with my father. He's gonna be meeting you for the first time, first impressions count!"

"Got it...anything else?"

"Hmm...screw the wine, go for tea, he'll love you."

"Gotcha. See you, babe!"

"Love you!"

Ending the call, he went back into the studio, and clapped his hands, "Ladies, keep moving. Karen, I am the manager. So suck it up. Now, everyone, we're gonna do some twirls!"

The door burst open and a cat sprinted in, a cake on his back. Behind him, a girl with black hair in a messy ponytail, and a nindroid ran in after him. Both were wearing aprons dusted with flour, panicked looks on their faces.

Everything seemed to be going in slow-motion.




The cat slipped, and the cake flew across the room, crashing into the window, which shattered on impact.

"MY HAIR!" Someone from outside screeched.

"MY CAKE!" The nindroid bellowed.

"MY STUDIO!" Morro yelped.

"MY CAT!" The girl cried out.

Yep, never forget the cat.

The cat sprinted back to the girl, only to slip on one of the mats. He skidded out the door, and into the opposite store room. The girl ran after him, and the nindroid laughed nervously.

"Uh...so...what you just witnessed was...a scene for a film!"

Morro folded his arms, "Really? A cat running into a studio high as heck with a cake on his back, before destroying my studio was part of a film?"

"Uh...I am Zane, built to protect those who cannot protect themselves."

"Really? Then explain what just happened. My studio wasn't protected at all!"

"Of course. A cat high on my special almond sugar stole a wedding cake I have to deliver in three hours, and ran 16 blocks down the road at high speed before running in here, slipping on the wooden floors, resulting in the cake flinging out the window, breaking it and ruining a passer-by's hair. In panic, the cat made a run for it, only to slip on the yoga mats, and crashed into the store room. And you are?"

"A DECENT HUMAN BEING WHO SPENT 12 HOURS DEEP-CLEANING THIS STUDIO YESTERDAY! This paint colour is exquisite! They don't make 'Raspberry Sherbet' anymore! GAH! I have to get ready to have dinner with my father to introduce my boyfriend and this is the last thing I need!"

"Zane! I got the cat!" The girl panted. She turned to the cat, "You, sir, are grounded for a very long time!"


"You don't even care, do you?"


"Well, I'll just tell Wu to stop bringing his chicken around when he visits for a week-"

how did my life come to this? - ninjago auWhere stories live. Discover now