...Then Lloyd Destroyed Nya's Bike...

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NOTE: It turns out there was a chunk of last chapter missing, so I just added it in, sorry bout that!

Lloyd whistled to himself as he rode back to the apartment. Suddenly the bike stopped working. "What the..." he mumbled, checking the gas metre. It was empty.

Great. Just great. 

Jumping off the bike, he proceeded to push the bike towards the gas station he had passed. Stopping to take the helmet off, he set it down on the ground, only to hear a large crash. Turning over, he saw Nya's bike now in a ditch.

"At least nothing's happened-" He was cut off by it setting on fire.

Nya's gonna kill me, resurrect me, kill me again, throw me off a cliff, and bury me alive!

Gulping, Lloyd grabbed a large branch and started swatting at the flames, only for the branch to catch on fire too. Yelping, he dropped it, before hightailing it down the road.

It was almost 11, as he trudged through the doors. Nya looked up and grinned, "You have my bike?"

"Well...yes, but no, but yes, but no, but yes, but no, but yes, but no, but-"

"Lloyd." Nya raised her eyebrows.

"Alright, fine! I accidentally pushed it into a ditch and it caught on fire." Nya's face soon switched to a death glare, "You. Little...GAHHHH!"

"In my defence, I'm taller than you- oh god!" He sprinted to the kitchen, Nya chasing after him. Now they were circling around the sofa, Lloyd's face filled with fear, Nya's face filled with fury. Leaping over the couch, she tackled him to the ground and twisted his arms behind his back.

"OWW! I yield!"


"I thought that was Stuffins- OW!"

"Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon, I built that bike with my bare hands!" Just then Jay walked through the door, "The hell's going on?"

Jay managed to pull Nya off of Lloyd. "Technically, you were wearing gloves..."

"I HOPE YOU HAVE ANEURYSM AFTER ANEURYSM AFTER ANEURYSM!" Nya shouted as Jay picked her up and carried her away. He later returned, "That bike was her pride and joy-"

"I thought that was Stuffins!" Lloyd protested, "Look, I'll make it up to her, I'll fix it-"

"How? She told me you said it caught fire!"

"I'll...get Zane and Pixal to help rebuild it. The flames should've died out by now, we can fix it!"

"For your sake, I hope so." He sighed, massaging the bridge of his nose.

Ali: Oof, I don't know who to feel more sorry for; Nya or Lloyd. Let's check in with Pinkie

Seliel groaned. She'd lost count of how long she was trapped in there. She'd tried kicking the door down, opening it with her feet, and had also sat there for 15 minutes straight screaming at the handle

A voice was heard.

"Hello, Seliel."

She looked around wildly, "FSM? Is that you?"

"Yep, you've lost it. It's me, Morro. I'm outside. Are you stuck in there?"

"No, I'm in here by choice."

"Oh, cos I hear some banging noises as if someone was struggling to open the door."

"No. That was the pipes." Seliel protested.

"Or, is it the sound of you learning how to ask for help? You know, you can't spell 'independent' without 'dependant'."

"And you can't spell go -BLEEP- yourself without -BLEEP- you!" She whacked the door, and Morro jumped back.

Ali: Oh damn...back to Lloyd!

"Oh...it's still on fire." Lloyd stared at the motorcycle, where the flames still hadn't died out, "HOW IS IT STILL ON FIRE?!"

"My prediction would be because of the wind." Zane stated. Pixal had insisted on hanging back to work on her invention, so it was just Zane and Lloyd.

"What if we...throw water on it!"

Zane shook his head, "That would lead to further damage. It is not recommended."

"Well, this is gonna be harder than I thought." Lloyd murmured, staring at the open fire, "Any other ideas?"

"All we can do is wait it out, or build another bike from scratch but it would take months to do so."

Lloyd looked up, "I have an idea!" They both got back into Zane's car, and Lloyd gave him the directions as he drove.

Ali: Ooh! Things are looking up!

Seliel stared at the phone attached onto the wall. Sighing, she took the receiver, and typed in Morro's number with her nose.


"You win. Please help me."


"What? Why? I learnt my lesson! You were right."

"No, you were right. For the past several hours I've been watching you on the security camera."

Seliel looked up at the CCTV in the corner of the ceiling, frowning at it, "You have? That's weird."

"This isn't about me."

"Still seems weird."

"Seliel! Watching you try to open that door and fail again and again and again and again was inspiring!"

Seliel leaned against the door as Morro continued talking excitedly, "I was trying to teach you a lesson and instead you taught me a lesson."

"Great. What lesson is that?"

"There is nothing the human spirit cannot overcome. So Savannah Noelle Gordon-Walker, you are not quitting. You are gonna open that door because you are a badass and you don't need help from anyone!" He was practically yelling down the phone now.

"Yeah. I'm Savannah Noelle Gordon-Walker."

Ali: Cue the music!

"You can do this, Seliel!"

Using her chin, she placed it on the door handle and yelled out as she slowly twisted the handle with her chin.

"She's doing it!"

The door clicked and opened. Morro jumped up from his seat, throwing his arms up in the air, "YEAAHHHHH!"

He rushed to the closet and the two hugged whilst jumping up and down excitedly.

"I did it!"

"You did it!" They pulled away.

"That was great, I love being independent!" Seliel yelled.

The two cheered, "INDEPENDENCE IS THE NEW TREND! That's it, call everyone! We're celebrating Independence at Laughy's!"

So...here's a fun fact: I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I'M GOING WITH THIS BOOK! I don't have a plot or an ending planned out. Life is great!

Ali Rei Gold <3

how did my life come to this? - ninjago auWhere stories live. Discover now