...Cole Ended Up 'Arrested'...

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Zane has had it with Cole sneaking in and taking the creations he and Nya worked hard on. Sure, they were friends, but sometimes, friendship doesn't get you out of everything.

He was on his way over to the Bakery now, straight from the gym. Nya smirked as she nodded towards the police officer seated, eating a pastry.

Whistling to himself, Cole entered the bakery, "Morning, kiddo!"

"Hey, Cole!"

"Where's Zane?"

"He's at the back. I gotta get something, take a seat." Cole grinned and slid into an empty booth, drumming his hands on the table. He hadn't noticed the police officer yet. Good. He waited until Nya disappeared, before jumping up and sneaking behind the counter.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to stop you right there."

"Huh?" The raven jumped and turned to see the police officer holding out handcuffs.

"Please put your hands behind your back, you are under arrest for trespassing and robbery. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney."

"N-No, you don't understand, I know those guys, they're my friends-"

"Which doesn't mean you can take the food behind our backs." He saw Zane standing with his arms folded, "Yes, you're our friend, but you can just ask. We would've happily said yes." Nya, on the other hand, burst out laughing, "Oh, you should have seen your face!"


"That police officer is Nya's uncle Martin, doofus!" Zane spluttered, "And, yes, he's a police officer."

Martin undid the handcuffs and patted Cole's head, "Now, don't you be robbing this bakery again! I'll take another tart to go, if you could."

"Sure!" Nya wrapped up an apple and cinnamon tart in a paper bag and handed it to him, "$2 please. Relatives/friends discount."

Grinning, he handed over some money, took the bag and left the store. Cole flushed and handed $4 over to Zane, "Devil's Brownie, please?"

Laughing, Zane handed $2 back, "Relatives/friends discount."


Ali: Let's check up on Seliel, Morro and Lloyd!

Seliel trudged into Morro's studio, where he and Lloyd were sharing out some fries. They stopped short when they saw the big bandages covering her hands.

Morro whistled, "What happened to you?"

She dumped her bag on the floor, "I went on a hiking trip, and touched poison ivy." That confused Lloyd, "Why would you touch poison ivy?"

"It was an accident. I fell into it whilst picking a pretty little flower."

Morro cooed, and Seliel elbowed him sharply, "I still have my elbows, numbnuts!"

Lloyd snickered as he grabbed the helmet off the ground, "I gotta return the bike to Nya and take Floofy out for a walk. See ya!"

"What about Betsy?" Seliel called after him. He turned around, "Why would you bring that up?! Great, now I gotta use the bathroom. So...if you hear any crying...it's about...the dump. Not Betsy. At all."


"Okay, bye!" He dashed off and Morro turned to the pink-haired girl, "What happened to Betsy?"

"Lloyd was trying to give Floofy some dog food and he wasn't looking at where he was going and drove it into a ditch. Then some stranger peed all over the car."

"Whoa. Anyways, how are you gonna work without your hands?"

Seliel raised her arms, "Elbows!" She then proceeded to knock an open bottle of coke over, "I am going to clean this up by myself, without help. Got it?"

"Are you sure you don't want any-" Seliel shot him a glare and he saluted.

"Yessir." He watched as his best friend marched down the corridor. Seliel kicked open the door to the supply closet and searched throughout the shelves, finally locating the cleaning supplies. Using her elbows, she grabbed a mop, and turned around only to see that the door had shut behind her.


Ali: Oop- What's Pixal up to?

"Okay...test 83475 is a go." Pixal murmured, placing the cable into the outlet, "Please work, please work, please work-"

The contraption set on fire. Using the extinguisher, the nindroid set out the flames before grabbing a hammer and whacking it apart, "WHY WON'T YOU WORK! YOU HAD ONE JOB; COOK OATMEAL PERFECTLY, YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT! DUCK YOU!!" She roared, sending nuts and bolts flying. Zane hung his coat up as he entered, "How's my favourite girl- OH MY NUTS AND BOLTS!" He jumped out the way just as a flaming piece of wire was sent flying towards him.

"Are you trying to send yourself to jail?" Zane squeaked, approaching her.

"I can't get it to work!" she cried, "I've tried everything-"

"Babe, you used the wire in the shade #5534. You needed the shade #5534.01." He brought out a long green piece of wire and handed it to her, "That's why it didn't work this time."

Taking the wire, Pixal examined it, "Okay, cue Test number 83476..."

Ali: Yeesh, what's Seliel up to?

Seliel groaned as she paced through the small room. She heard a voice outside.

"Seliel? You good?"

"I. AM. FINE!" She snapped. From outside the door, Morro smirked, "Really? It seems like you're...one would say 'locked in'"

"I don't need help! I am perfectly capable of leaving by myself!"

"If you say so..."

"I do say so!"

"Okay then..." He sauntered off.

Back with Seliel, she kicked the door, before trying to operate the handle with her teeth (it did not go well) and tried opening the door with her foot. Elbows didn't seem to work either.

"How did my life come to this?!" she whined, sliding down to the floor.

"You locked yourself into a supply closet."


how did my life come to this? - ninjago auWhere stories live. Discover now