...Then Jay's Wisdom Teeth Got Removed...

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Sighing, Kai tapped his screen furiously; he was so close to going onto the next level. Nya entered the apartment wielding the back of groceries. Kai lost the level, and groaned as he tossed his phone onto the opposite couch, "You went in your pyjamas?"

"What? No, you can barely tell these are pyjamas!"

Kai raised an eyebrow, "You're wearing my hand-me-downs, with Lloyd's beanie, did you really think this through?"

"No, not really, but I brought supplies. A tub of hair mousse for you; the hair gel's too clumpy, I got Lloyd the post-it notes he needed, there's some canned foods, a bunch of stuff from the cold section and...I think that's about it."

Jay, Nya and Lloyd all roomed together in a small apartment, and Kai and Skylor often crashed over, but Skylor had left to go to work early, and Kai just let himself in afterwards. Lloyd burst through the door wielding the car keys. He tossed them to Nya and said, "You gotta pick Jay up from the dentist later on, he's getting his wisdom teeth removed- is that my hat?"

"No! It's Kai's."

"Bitch, please! Have you ever seen me wearing green?" Kai scoffed. Lloyd grinned and took the hat off her head, "Did you get the post-its?"

"Yep. When's Jay's appointment?"

"Uh...hang on." Pulling out his phone he checked the calendar, "It starts at 2 and you should pick him up by...4? Be warned, he'll be high on anaesthesia."

Kai smirked, "So...he has like no filter whatsoever?"

"None. I had to watch over him when he got tonsillitis. He'll be dropping truth bombs everywhere."

"Got it."

"We're all meeting at Laughy's for...no reason whatsoever, so just bring him to Laughy's...and don't get him injured." 

Nya scoffed, "He's my boyfriend, why in FSM would I injure him?"

"Well...you did break his nose."

"He snuck up on me!" She protested, "I get jumpy!"

"No shit." Lloyd murmured, "I'm still suffering trauma when you roundhouse kicked me in the penis."

"Anyways, love you both, I'm gonna go over to Seliel's."

Kai frowned, "In your pyjamas?"

"You went to the store to buy hair gel right after you got out of the shower, wrapped in a towel, and wearing a shower cap, you really wanna go down that path?"

"You know what, good point, love you sis!"

"Love you, Midget!"

"Later, sluts!" That was her way of saying goodbye. One time she was at a job interview and completely forgot to say bye properly, and it didn't go down well...

Ali: Let's skip to 3:55pm!

Nya waited patiently in the waiting room as the door opened and her boyfriend was wheeled out, "Hey, JJ!"

"Babyyy!" He giggled, outstretching his arms out. Nya gestured to the dentist, "How...high is he?"

"Very. He has no filter whatsoever. Your boyfriend here has a very low pain tolerance."

"Okay, got it. Hey Jay, what do you think of Zane?" She asked, wheeling him out.

"Aww, he needs to smoke some pot, let loose!" Nya clamped a hand over her mouth to stop herself from snorting with laughter. She helped Jay into the car, before ditching the wheelchair and getting into the driver's seat. She started driving and Jay stared out of the window, "You're my favourite person in the world!" He stated, poking Nya's nose. She laughed.

"Love you too, sweetie. Everyone's at Laughy's, so let's go there."

"Please don't let Cole make me do karaoke. It's a living nightmare!" He whined. Nya smiled at the auburn, "Don't worry, you'll be with us. Also, we gotta pick up Morro and Pixal, is that okay?"

"As long as I'm with youuuu..."

Nya smiled; who knew her boyfriend was an adorably dorky romantic when he was high on medication?

Pixal ran out and slipped into the backseat, "Hey, Nya, Jay."


"I'm worried you don't find me interesting, Pixal. I'm going to pretend I received a text message from the Mayor. Bloop."

Pixal frowned and glanced at Nya, "What the..."

"He's high." she murmured quietly, pulling up to an apartment block where Cole, Seliel and Morro lived. Morro was waiting outside, and once he saw the car, he jumped in, "Wazzup!"

"Your breath smells like bacon." Jay stated calmly, staring out into the distance. Morro looked offended, but Pixal stopped him from retaliating, "Don't." she mouthed, shaking her head. 

They pulled up outside Laughy's and headed inside where everyone was waiting. Kai headed over and pulled Jay away, and Pixal went off to find Zane. Morro looked around, and Nya nudged him, "Ronin's at the counter."

"Thanks, kid!" He jogged off, and Nya looked around, before she felt someone grab her arm, and pull her aside. It was Seliel, "I need a favour."

"What's up?"

"Jay's been looking for me. I need you to keep him away from me, just for tonight." Nya frowned at the strange request, "Why?"

"He's been dropping truth bombs everywhere. He just told Lloyd that Fruit Loops are all the same flavour and it crushed the poor guy. I'm worried he'll come over and say that I'm a bad sister or something."

Nya placed a hand on her boyfriend's sister's shoulder, "Pinkie, he won't-"

"Crap, he's coming. I was never here!" she dashed off, as Jay wrapped an arm around Nya, "Hey, Kitten, have you seen Seliel?"

Not knowing what to do, Nya said the first thing that popped into her head, "JJ, Seliel died eight years ago."


"Come on, let's get you a drink." She pulled him to the counter and sat him down.

Zane approached the couple with Pixal, "Hey, you two! Jay, how was the surgery?"

"Zane, you're too uptight. Go get high once in a while, it'll do you good." Zane looked startled at Jay's response, "My sources do not compute..." he stuttered, his voice trailing off. Pixal took his arm, "Let's go dance!" she yelped, pulling Zane away.

Ali: Ooh! What's Seliel up to?

Seliel rummaged through her coat, trying to find her wallet.

"Oh, sis, there you are!"

She squeaked, and whipped around, "Oh, it's you."

Jay smiled, "I've been trying to find you."

"Well...here I am! Okay, I can't do this, I'm sorry! You were going off dropping truth bombs everywhere, and I was worried you were gonna say I'm a bad sister."

"Seliel...you're the best sister I've ever had. And I'm damn lucky for it. You've always had my back. Twintuition, remember?"

The two siblings smiled and fistbumped, "Thanks, little bro!"

"You are three minutes older than me!"

"I'm still older, Jay-Jay!"

how did my life come to this? - ninjago auWhere stories live. Discover now