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I check the clock.

11:12 PM, it read. I sighed.

I'm really tired. The club doesn't close till 2 o'clock in the morning, but I get let out by 11:30, thank goodness.

At my interview to get a job here, I was told that I'd have to work till 2 A.M, but when I explained my current position at the time, they allowed me to be let out by 11:30. They said that that's the best they could do.

Because of how desperate I was, and still am, I agreed and started work here.

"You look really tired." One of my colleagues, Jason, told me. He takes over from me when I leave.

"Tell me something I don't know." I tiredly chuckled. He smiled at me as he started cleaning down the counters from all the liquids that have been spilled on them.

Jason is a good looking twenty-four year old guy, and he's very respectful. I know, hard to believe. I've been working with him for the two years I've been here, and he hasn't hit on me even once. I'm so grateful for that, and I'd like to consider him more as a brother than anything.

It turns out that we were in the same University. He graduated two and a half years ago, so there was no way we would've met before.

Jason reminds me so much of my older brother, and they should be around the same age.

"How many more minutes do I have before I can leave this death hole?" I sighed deeply, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hands, but stopping abruptly, remembering I have makeup on.

He laughed then answered. "You've got about ten minutes." He finished cleaning the counter off.

I groaned, knowing the last minutes of work always feels slower than the rest.

I looked around the club, seeing all the happy people dancing around. I saw a group of friends. I had served them drinks some time ago. They were happily dancing around the club, griding on men and laughing their asses off.

Not that I'd had ever done any of this stuff when I was younger, but I miss being free to live like I had no problems in the world. Like I could do whatever I wanted.

The times I had no responsibility and... and when I was single. I mean, I'm single right now, but I have both a little girl and boy in my life.

I know my life can never go back to the way it use to be. Maybe my life was always meant to go this way. Maybe something good would come out of this whole thing. I just hope so.

"El, Ellie, El..." I was snapped out of my thoughts by Jason shouting in my face, waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"Y-yes?" I stammered a bit, coming back to reality.

"I've been trying to tell you, for five minutes, that your shift is up. You can go now." He told me.

"Oh, thanks." I simply replied

He stared at me, giving me a knowing look.

"What?" I asked him.

He kept quite before speaking. "You're doing it again... Aren't you?" He knows me so well.

"Doing what?" I asked innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about Ellie. You have to stop. Lift your head up. You have an amazing life, you don't have to keep putting yourself down like this all the time."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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