Monster Noir Pt. 1

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You and Arthur backed up a bit as you looked at the guy claiming to be Spider-Man.

Y/N: So, you're Spider-Man?

Spidey: Just Spider. It's easier to scream when I blow a hole between your eyes.

He pointed a revoler at you.

Arthur: Spidey's packing!

You both threw your hands in the air. You couldn't die but, it still hurts getting shot.

Spidey: That was some fancy fighting you both did. Where'd you learn it?

Y/N: War.

Arthur: My grandpa.

You smiled a bit. Spidey aimed his gun at you.

Spidey: I ain't seen either of you around these parts. Where are you from?

You shrugged.

Y/N: New Jersey?

Spidey: Makes sense.

He slowly lowered his gun and looked at the unconscious, and probably dead, thugs on the ground.

Spidey: These guys have been a problem for a while now. I guess I should thank you. But I won't.

Arthur's eye twitched.

Arthur: No problem.

You both lowered your hands and Spidey looked at the sword on your belt.

Spidey: Fancy sword you got there.

You grabbed the handle and smirked.

Y/N: Yeah. Got it from a friend. Speaking of friends, we could use one.

Spidey: I'm not a friend.

Arthur: But you could be, Peter.

Spidey's eyes grew wide.

Spidey: How did you...

Y/N: I lied. We're not from New Jersey.
The three of you were hanging out on the roof as you explained the situation to this world's Spider-Man. He seemed to be convinced but you could tell that this may be a bit too much for him to take in.

Spidey: This isn't a web warriors situation.

Arthur: A web whater situation?

Spidey: Spider-Men and Women only kid. Sorry. As for that tear in reality, I can't help you there.

You and Arthur looked down in defeat. So much for that. Is there a weird Iron Man in this dimension? Maybe a Cap?

Arthur: I guess we're on our own.

Spidey: Not entirely. I think I might know somewhere to get some info.

You raised a brow. A info broker? Better than nothing. Spidy walked over to the staircase which still felt off to you and Arthur. You were so use to seeing him just swing off. Turns out, he doesn't have webs. The hell was up with that?

You all followed him as he took off his mask and tucked his gun away. You then stepped out into the street and began your journey to find this info broker.

Arthur: So who is this contact? Anyone we would know?

Spidey: No clue. I guess you'll just have to see for yourselves.

You wondered if it was another familiar face. If they were an info broker like you think, maybe they would be someone who often worked in the shadows. Maybe they were an enemy in your world.

Y/N: So, do you have any actual powers?

Spidey patted the spot where his gun was hidden in his coat.

Spidey: This is my power.

Arthur rolled his eyes.

Arthur: Can you climb walls?

Spidey: I can.

Y/N: Can you shoot webs?

Spidey: I can.

Arthur: Do you have enhanced strength?

Spidey: I do.

Y/N/Arthur: Then you have powers.

Spidey: Can't argue with that.

You and Arthur stumbled at his lack of emotion. You finally reached a new building and Spidey led you bith inside. It took a while but you eventually reached a door where Spidey stopped.

Spidey: Let me do the talking.

You both nodded before Spidey opened the door. You all stepped into a very nice apartment. Looked like a woman lived here. Spidey walked around for a moment before a voice rang through the air.

???: What did I say about walking in unannounced?

Spidey: We need info.

???: I figured. That's the only reason you ever visit me anymore.

From the darkness came a figure. A very familiar figure.

Y/N: No way.

Arthur: Felicia?

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Arthur: Felicia?

The woman looked at the two of you interested.

Felicia: I've never seen you around New York before.

Spidey: They aren't from here. We need info.

Felicia: Not so fast Spider. You know the rules.

This was weird. Why was Felicia walking around with that mask on? Why was she so, serious? Maybe Cat was taking over.

Y/N: Cat we need...

Felicia shot you a look.

Felicia: What did you call me?

Oh. Looks like this verison doesn't have a second personality. Oops.

Spidey: Felicia.

She looked back to Spidey who was standing there with his arms crossed.

Spidey: What payment do you want for the information?

Felicia tapped her chin.

Felicia: Something was taken from me. I want it back.

Arthur: You want us to get something back for you?

Felicia glared at him for a moment.

Felicia: You're new here so I'll let you off the hook this one time. This is how things work. You get me what I want, I get you the information you're looking for.

Sounds simple enough. Might has well go with it.

Spidey: You have a deal. Now for our end, we want to know about any and all power surges that are similar to the Web Warriors.

Felicia raised a brow before turning back to you and Arthur.

Felicia: You two are from another world?

You nodded.

Felicia: Well then, bring me back my diamond and you will get your information. Easy enough right?

Y/N: We'll get it done.

Felicia seemed to smirk under her mask.

Felicia: Good. Don't make me wait.

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