Our Final Stand

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The wind was, cold. Everything seemed to be darker and your could only taste bitterness in your mouth as you stared up into the night sky. You just had to put two of your friends into the ground in the same day. Now, you knew that Thanos was near. Not on his way. He was somewhere above Earth. Waiting to attack.

Felicia: Everyone is here.

You turned back to look at her. She was still wearing her uniform just as you were. You nodded as a thanks before you turned around and headed toward the balcony of the palace. You finally spotted everyone as they looked up to look at you. The Avengers were the only ones physically here besides the New Avalon and Symkaria forces. Eveeyone else was listening with the holographic technology.

Everyone was here. Everyone. The Avengers, the retired heroes, the Program, The Fantastic Four, the Knights, Big Hero 6, the Guardians, the War Council, even some of the Future Avengers. Everyone. As you looked through the crowd, you took a deep breath.

Y/N: Hello. Thank you all for coming. As you may know, we have a major problem on our hands. Bigger than anything we've faced before. A man known as Thanos is attempting to collect all 6 Infinity Stones in order to wipe out half of all life in the universe. He already has two.

Mutters began to echo through the room as this was news to most of them.

Y/N: I know. This sounds bad. And it is. We have the other four Stones on Earth and they're being protected as we speak. The problem is, Thanos and his forces will be coming for them. The reason I called you all here is because, we can't be in four places at once. Thanos is gonna hit all four and he's coming in hard.

You looked down at the Soul Stone in your hand.

Y/N: We've already lost three lives today. I'm no fool and I doubt any of you are. More will die when Thanos attacks. For that reason, I won't make you stay.

Everyone looked at you.

Y/N: Some of you have families. Many of you aren't even heroes anymore. In reality, this isn't your fight. This was something that I was made for. To stand against Thanos. That bring said, if you chose to leave from this fight, to leave this war, then you can. I won't stop you and I will never hold it against you.

You looked at the crowd for a moment as silence filled the room. Everyone seemed to be looking around at each other, but no one moved.

Tony: Looks like we're here to stay.

Hiro: You're not getting rid of us that easy.

Spidey: Death is a revolving door for us. We all knew what we were getting into.

Ben: So, kid, what's the plan for action?

You looked around the room as everyone looked at you with determined faces and nee resolves. You clenched your gist around the Stone and smiled.

Y/N: Ok then.

You held up the Soul Stone.

Y/N: Like I said, we have four Stones. As of right now, the Time Stone is in New York. The Program and the Retired Heroes will be in charge of protecting that one. The Mind Stone is in Wakanda. Big Hero and The Knights, you're on that one. The Reality Stone is here in Symkaria. The Avengers are here along with the Guardians. As for the Soul Stone, it goes with me wherever I go. I'll have our forces spread out according along with the Hearlds. Galactus is our first line of defense. If he falls, then it's up to us to stop Thanos.

Peter: You're calling in the Gladiators and the realms to, right?

You nodded.

Y/N: Besides those two armies, we'll also have the White Army, the New Avalon army, and the Symkaria army.

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