Him or Me

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This is where the reader finds out Anakin has been cheating on her with another man.

Bi Ani/reader/male

Warning: explicit, cursing

3,631 words

Sorry if it sucks 🤗

It's was a Saturday night and you had just gotten off work. You lived in a small town so everyday was the same here. Every Saturday you and all your friends met at the diner in town, Dex's. It was run by an older couple who make every Saturday a $2 cheeseburger night for teens, their way of keeping you and all your friends out of trouble and to caught up on all the gossip around town.

Before you went to hangout with your friends you decided it'd be best to run home and freshen up. You took a quick shower and put on your favorite outfit which consisted of: high waisted ripped skinnies; a red and white, cotton, striped shirt and a light blue jean jacket. You felt
dork-ish-ly cool when you wore this outfit, almost badass.

After applying some red lipstick to your lips, to match your shirt, you grabbed your purse and flew down the stairs. Once you got into your car you text your best friend, Ahsoka.

Hey bitch I'm on my way. :p

Btw don't tell Ani. He thinks I'm still at work. I wanna surprise him.

With that you put your phone away and headed to the diner. You were in a great mood. Saturday was always the best day of the week to you. You got to work at the supermarket in town with all your work friends, which you loved, and got to spend the rest of the night hanging with your friends and your amazing boyfriend, Anakin.

You and Anakin had been dating for 3 happy years and you wouldn't trade him for anything. Ahsoka was your best friend but you weren't close to anyone like you were Anakin. You were the couple that finished each other's sentences and wore matching costumes on Halloween. You loved him and he loved you. Your life couldn't be anymore perfect and you didn't want it to be. Every aspect of your life was amazing.

After about a 5 minute drive that like an hour, you finally arrived At Dex's. You practically leaped our of your car you were so excited to see everyone, but most of all Anakin. You walked in saying hello to everyone you passed until you saw Ahsoka in the corner booth in the back, you made your way to her.

"Finally!" Ahsoka exclaimed throwing her arms up in the air for you to hug her. "You made it. I've been dying here without you."

"I know I'm sorry! I had to go home and change out of my uniform." You say whilst hugging her. "Did you order me a shake?" You asked pulling away from the hug to smile mischievously at Ahsoka. She reaches behind her and hands you a delicious chocolate shake, your favorite.

"Annnnddd that's why I love you." You say before taking the shake from her and bring the straw up to your mouth for a sip. "Where's Ani?" You ask in between sips. You looked around the restaurant but didn't see him.

"Um I think I saw him go to the bathroom but that was forever ago." She said popping her head up to look for him too.

"Well I don't see him anywhere else." You state getting a little frustrated now. Had he left? He didn't know you were coming so he may have. You thought to yourself. "Should I go check the bathroom? Maybe he's sick."

"I guess if you want to. I'm not brave enough to go into their bathroom. Boys are disgusting." Ahsoka says with a chuckle. You took one last sip of your milkshake then headed to the bathrooms. You tried to be a little sneaky going into the boys bathroom so people didn't think you were going in there for other reasons. You slowly went in trying not to make a sound till the door was shut.

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