Thought We Said Goodbye.

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Anakin x reader
Warnings⚠️: Kinda smutty but not really.
Authors Note: I couldn't get this song out of my head so here you go.
1101 words
Even though last time was the last time, you found yourself here with him again. The sheets were clung to your bodies as you lie there intertwined, still sweaty from the night's dalliance. Anakin kissed at your neck, unmoving from atop you. Seeing Anakin this way made you feel so content, even if it were wrong. Jedi were never supposed to indulge in these kinds of things, which Anakin was. Senators, on the other hand, were allowed to but not with Jedi, which you were.

You and Anakin had a past.. you weren't just the 'occasion fuck' to one another, no. You'd been in love with Anakin for as long as you can remember, and he with you. You dated in secret for a spell before almost getting caught. Anakin has pulled you in for a kiss without seeing who was around. Luckily you were able to play it off as though you and Anakin were just good friends.

The thought of Anakin losing everything he'd ever worked for just to be with you, was something you couldn't live with, ending the relationship was the hardest thing you'd ever done. It took Anakin some time to finally be able to talk to you again, even if you had to be in the same room he'd find some excuse to leave. Your heart ached at the sight of each other. You were constantly holding yourself back, wanting to run to him, collapse into his arms as he kissed you desperately. These thoughts ran through your mind every time you saw him, Jedi being able to read your mind, that's probably why he always had to leave the room.

One night he couldn't leave though. Word got to the Jedi council that someone was trying to have you killed, and to your surprise, Anakin volunteered to watch over you. He stayed on your balcony, not wanting to be in the room you'd shared so many nights. "Anakin come inside." You'd asked of him.

To which Anakin replied, "No." It took you some time but he finally agreed to come in and have a drink with you. After talking for a while it didn't take long for you two to end up in your bed. He kept reading your thoughts about how badly you'd wanted him, everything you missed doing with him. The thoughts were somewhat on purpose, but you also couldn't help it. You missed Anakin so much and you never saw you guys as truly over. Since then you've been meeting here every chance you get. It felt nice having him back to being yours.

Looking back at Anakin you kissed his forehead softly. He lifted his head from between your to give you a tired smile. "What was that for?" He asked. You ran your eyes over his face as you played with his damp ringlets.

"I-" You paused, "I just missed you." He blushed, dipping his head back down between your breasts. He kissed at your skin, making you giggle. He continued to kiss up your neck as he began sucking and biting at your sweet spot. You gasp at the sharp feeling of teeth against your skin. As much as you enjoyed this you wanted to bring him back to reality, "But Ani-" Your breath caught in your throat as he bit down slightly harder. He always knew how to make you feel so good, how to distract you from your deep thoughts. He kissed at the now bruised skin as he made his way up to your lips. He captured your lips in a desperate kiss. You could feel how much Anakin loved you with just one kiss. He was always so passionate and gentle with you as if you were going to fade away at any moment.

He deepened the kiss, wrapping his flesh hand around the back of your neck. You detached from his lips to breath out his name, "Anakin" He brings you back in to shut you up. You wanted to kiss, you really did, but you couldn't get this off your mind. "Anakin please." You moaned into his mouth.

He realised from your lets, moving back down your neck. "What is it, my love?" He asked while skinning on a fresh spot of your neck.

"We- we can't keep doing this." He continued his assault on your neck as if he hadn't heard a thing you said. "Anakin" you say, "I'm serious. This is the last time."

"Mhmm" He hummed against your skin.

"Anakin!" You push at his shoulders to have him look into yours eyes. "I'm. Serious." He laughs, showing you his beautiful smile.

"You say this every time," he says kissing your cheek, "It's obvious that you love me so stop trying to push me away. It's not going to work this time." He moves his metal fingers up to your face, stroking you with tucking your hair behind your ear.

"I- I don't love you." You lied. "I don't want to do this anymore, Ani." You lie again, feeling the burn of tears brimming at your eyelashes, so you close your eyes so he doesn't see you cry. You did say it was over every time and you meant it every time. Loving Anakin just made things so much more complicated. Being with you is taboo for him, you both knew that.

You open your eyes to see Anakin smirking down at you. You asked him what it was to which he replied, "I can read your thoughts but I wouldn't have to to know that you're lying. You can't hide your feelings for me no matter how hard you try." He kissed you once more before continuing, "But I'm not sure which part of me it is that you love," he kisses you again, "My mind," he kisses you, "my wicked lightsaber skills," he kisses you while laughing. "Or maybe my fingers." His voice spoke in a low rasp as he ran his metal fingers down your body. Chills ran down your spine when he dipped the cold digits between your thighs. You gasp at the contact of cool metal fingers teasing at your warm entrance.

"Yeah it's just your fingers." You tease, making him laugh. He dipped one digit into your cunt. "A-Anakin please."

"Don't. Let's just enjoy the night together. We can talk all you want in the morning, just please, let me have you for just one more night, please. Anakin pleaded.

You hesitated before saying, "Okay." Then you kissed him delicately.

"I love you too, you know." He said in a whisper.

"I know."

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