I Don't Mind.

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AU Anakin Skywalker x reader
Warnings: a little smut but nothing really.
A/N: I've been wanting to write this for a while. I think this song could have been written for Anakin. It explains how even on someone's darkest days the love of their life will still be there, holding their hand.
1486 words
It was a normal day, like any other. Anakin would arrive home from work, pain written on his face. The pain becoming more apparent with each passing day. Life for Anakin wasn't easy, and you knew that. You had known that when you married him but that didn't stop you because, to you, pain had never looked so beautiful before.

Anakin would have his happier moments too, those you cherished. The moments of laughter, the moments of love, the moments he could be himself with you; you could never love someone the way you loved him in those moments.

When he comes into the house he strips himself of his shoes while also loosening his tie. Everyday you'd make him a drink and sit with him in your own comfortable silence, until he was ready to talk.

"I feel like I don't deserve the things I have." He states.

"Ani," you coo, "What do you mean?"

"I mean.. this for instance, you love me and I have no idea why. I- I'm a piece of shit, (Y/N) and you know it. I've done terrible, awful things and yet here you are, always waiting, always happy to see me. I- I don't deserve this." Anakin brings the glass to his lips, throwing back all of the brown liquor that occupied the crystal glass in his hand.

"It's because I love you."

"Why?" He asks now, setting the glass on the coffee table in front of him.

"Because I do. Is that not a good enough reason? I love you because I love you." He smiled, shaking his head at you.

"You love me because you love me?"

"Yes." Your hand reaches for his shoulder, needing to feel him against your skin, "I don't have a specific answer for you, Anakin. I love everything about you, even your demons."

He leaned in close to you connecting your lips to his. His lips were gentle against yours, this is the only way Anakin knew how to express his love for you. You both sat there lips feathering over each other, not wanting or needing anything else from each other but the feeling of being in love with one another.

"I'm a mess and you know it." He says, pulling away from you now.
"I don't mind."


It was late, 3am late, to be exact.

You'd gone to bed, sick of waiting for Anakin to come home. He'd done this before and when he does he turns his phone off. It used to worry you but now you didn't really mind.

The door to your bedroom opened and a drunk, slightly stumbly Anakin walked in.

"Good Morning." Your tone was flat.

"Shh." He slurred, walking to your side of the bed. Your face written in confusion as he stands in front of you.

"What is it, Ani?" Anakin runs his hands along your thighs, hesitantly before bringing his fingers to the tie that held your nightgown to your body. The silky strings fall apart as if they weren't meant to be tied in the first place.

His hands place themselves firmly to your warm, bare breasts. Still not pleased with how late Anakin decided to stumble in, you found that you weren't in the mood, so you bring your hands up to his, gently pulling him away, "Anakin, I-"

"Please, (Y/N), I-I need this." Anakin sniffles, indicating that he'd been crying again. A sighed exhale flows past your lips before giving Anakin a nod.

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