That Stipid Scar

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Warning: 18+ NSFW
Words: 3704
A/N: this was a request from my tumblr: Anakin comes back and gloats about a mission he just finished and the reader gets annoyed.

The weather is hot and humid, making your skin sticky with sweat. You and a couple fellow Padawan friends gather around in the hangar bay, watching as aircrafts of every kind fly in and out; it was such a beautiful day even though the heat was killer. The boys talked in one group and the girls talked in another, you stood between both, not really paying either group attention. Usually when you weren't training you'd be back in your apartment. You like being alone but today something inside you said to go to the hangar with the others.

You didn't mind it this time because your best friend Amantha Olphen tagged along as well. Amantha was a great friend but an even better Jedi. When you first showed up to the temple after being rescued from your dying planet, Amantha quickly latched to you and taught you everything she knew. Without her you don't think you would have made it this far in the Jedi world.

Gossip was not your thing and, unfortunately, that's all the other girls liked talking about. So you just stand there zoning out into the distants watching the sun fade between the buildings in the distance. Your cheeks were already red from the blistering heat but the second you saw that yellow starfighter land, effortlessly you might add, you could feel the blood rushing through your entire face, all the way to your ears. You turn your gaze away, now joining the group.

Amantha notices your change in character almost immediately, "Hey girl, are you okay?" You gave her a weak smile before lazily nodding your head. "Silence.. hmm. Something's definitely wrong."

"Drop it, please, Amantha. I'm fine." You argue with just a hint of embarrassment in your voice. Amantha gives you a puzzled look. Your sudden change in character confused her, until she had a thought.

"He's here isn't he?" She asks, a small smirk, creeping into the corner of her mouth.

"Oh my Gods, Amantha. Why don't I give you a bullhorn so you can say that even louder." Your blush intensifies as she starts to laugh at your expense.

"Why don't you just tell him you like him, dummy?"

"Because I don't. And if I did like him my hate out ways any other emotion." You protest. Amantha continues to laugh because she knows the relationship you have with Anakin Skywalker and it's many complications.

Growing up in the temple you and Anakin became fast friends; both of you being put into training at a late age helped with that. You'd gotten to the temple first but only by a few months. When Anakin first got here he had a hard time fitting in. He was rougher than the rest of you, could never back down from a fight; but at the same time you could tell he just wanted to fit in.


One day during training you'd all been learning a new fighting technique that, for some reason, Anakin just couldn't figure out, leading him to throw his training stick to the ground. He did this often when he got upset so nobody really paid him any mind.

After the training session had come to amends everyone started to pack up their things. You being a little further behind than all the other kids, you decided to stick around and practice a little longer.

The new technique wasn't hard for you, it was: Two times around in one hand, then one swoop behind your back, followed by front swoop then back to the starting stance. Thinking about it now seems so childish, something Anakin could do in his sleep, which he probably does.

After practicing for what felt like hours Anakin came back to the training room. "Wh- what are you still doing here." He asked shyly.

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