A Path Worth Taking.

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Warning ⚠️: SMUT, name calling, teasing, choking

2416 words
Anakin, Obi-Wan and a few troopers were on their way to planet Alderaan in search of an uninvited guest. A Sith. This Sith had been terrorizing the people of Alderaan for days now. Senator Organa sent in his own people to take care of the situation but had failed numerous times, that's when he called the Jedi council for help. Anakin and Obi-Wan did not hesitate to take on the mission for Senator Organa had helped the Jedi order on many previous occasions.

"We're almost there, Master." Anakin called out to Obi-Wan who sat patiently somewhere behind Anakin waiting for their arrival.

"Excellent!" He called back. "We need to meet with Senator Organa to get her coordinates before we go after her. I believe he said to meet him at his home, do you know where that is?"

"Yes, Master." Anakin said while fiddling with the control panel. Just then Anakin could feel the Force stretching itself in between himself and another who was sensitive to the Force. "Do you feel that, Master?"

"Feel what?" Obi-Wan gave Anakin a confused look.

"N-nothing, Master." Anakin could feel the Force pulling him in as if to guide him to somewhere he needed to be. Lucky the pull was coming from somewhere on Alderaan.
It didn't take much longer for their ship to break through the planet's atmosphere and to touch down safely. As they exited Senator Organa stepped out of his lovely home.

"Senator Organa, how nice to see you again, sorry it is under these circumstances." Obi-Wan said whilst tilting his upper half into a bow.

"Oh if not these circumstances then another. I am so very pleased it is you two the council sent. That Sith has been tormenting my people and killing my guards. I didn't know who else to call." Senator Organa put his head down in defeat.

"Well, that's not your problem to worry about anymore, Senator. Anakin and I will make quick work of this and be out of here in no time. Now, where is this wretched Sith you speak of." Obi-Wan says.

Senator Organa frowns in response.
"Uhh, that's another problem, we lost her."

"That's no problem at all, Senator. We'll wait for her to mess up and cause a ruckus again, it shouldn't take long." Obi-wan gave Senator Organa a Siths-will-be-Siths look, making the Senator crack a small smile.

Anakin stood behind Obi-Wan still feeling this odd pull of the Force. He tried brushing it off as if it were possible to ignore. He closed his eyes trying to follow where it wanted him to go. It took him down the long stretch of building, making Anakin's stomach churn. Once it got down to the street it made a sharp left turn going four blocks down before taking a right.. Anakin opened his eyes. He felt dizzy from the rushed directions the Force was sending him. Then in his ear he could hear a very soft whisper. 'Come, Come and find me' the estranged voices said followed by a seductive laugh. Anakin now realized that the weird pull was coming from the Sith they were sent to capture; he could hear the odious, foul cringe in her voice even with just a whisper. Anakin didn't want to tell Obi-Wan about the pull to her he was feeling. He'd get another lecture on the dark side and how he needs to avoid certain urges and blah blah blah. He never listened to Obi-Wan when he talked about that stuff anyway, so there was no point. Instead he decided to just follow the pull and bring her in by himself.

Anakin clears his throat. "Pardon me Master, do you mind if I step away for a second for some.. fresh air?" He says nervously.

"Anakin.. we're outside." Obi-Wan is astonished by Anakin's idiocy.

"Yes, right. But with the altitude we're at The air is a little thin.. Master." Obi-Wan stares at Anakin in confusion.

"You've never had a problem with altitude sickness that I can recall but if this is true then so be it. Just keep an eye out For the woman." Obi-Wan waves him off.

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