Praise Me.

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Warnings: Smut
Authors note: this was a request on my tumblr account.
2104 words
It'd been weeks since you'd seen Anakin. The whole time you were on your latest mission you couldn't stop thinking about him. You'd had sensual dreams of him ravishing your body all night. The dreams were sometimes so intense you'd wake yourself up as to not let any moans slip from your lips. Your pussy ached for him and of course the first chance you get to see him is in front of the council.. not how you pictured it at all. Anakin gave you a once over before giving you a loving, welcome home smile. It was so good to finally see your beautiful husband again and in one piece. He nugded your arm playfully making you giggle until Master Windu cleared his throat.

"Shall we begin?" He says raising an eyebrow in your direction.

"Yes, Master Windu." You respond almost shamefully.

They do the typical run through asking how it all went, if you needed any medical treatments and if anything had gone wrong. Anakin's and your missions went relatively well, just a few cuts and bruises for the both of you, nothing too drastic. After they got all of that out of the way they started their usual "Anakins the chosen one so we must praise him" gocking. You loved Anakin, there's no denying that, but you hated when they praised him. Anakin was a great Jedi, one of the best you'd ever seen in fact.

And the sex after these praising sessions was always amazing. Anakin would fuck you from behind while pulling your hair as hard as he could without yanking it from your scalp, you loved it. When you'd get close to your climax Anakin would pull you up by your hair and suck on your earlobe, then whisper, "Tell me how good I make you feel. Tell me how much you love my cock buried in your soaked pussy and I'll let you cum." You'd do as you're told and praise him like the good girl you are. You didn't mind the praising in bed, mostly because no one ever fucked you the way Anakin could. When the council praised him you felt that little tinge of jealousy come out though. You weren't as good as Anakin, no, but you still liked some recognition from time to time.

Coming out of your sex deprived daze you couldn't help but hear them praising him for something you'd actually done. "Thank you Masters. I was just doing what's right." Did he really just take credit for your actions? You Looked at him enraged. How could he do that like you weren't standing right there? Usually you'd let this stuff go, you weren't one to make a fuss, usually. Today was a different story though.

"Um, sorry to interrupt but he- uh he didn't do that. That- that was all me." You say towards the council trying to calm yourself down with each word. "And i just have to add-" Master Windu cut you off.

"You don't have to add anything, (Y/N)!" He couldn't believe how outspoken you were being but you'd waited long enough to tell them how you felt, so you continued.

"With all do respect sir, when you call me in here with Anakin I don't see the point. You ask me a few questions and then you're done with me. I stand here every time and listen to you go on and on about Anakin." You glance over at Anakin who is staring at you in confusion, then you continue, "Anakin is an amazing Jedi. He has skills I can't even dream of having. You give him all this attention and push everyone else aside. I do things, like the thing you just thanked him for doing, and I get nothing in return." You feel your breath hitch in your throat as you wait for their response.

"Well I-" Obi-Wan starts to talk before Master Windu holds his hand up signalling him to stop.

"Are you done embarrassing yourself, (Y/N)?" Master Windu asked.

"I- I uh yes." you felt defeated and unappreciated. How could Anakin say nothing?

"You're dismissed then."

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