For you.

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Hi! I can't get this out of my head so I decided to start writing all my Anakin thoughts down. I'm very sorry in advance. Think of this as an alternate ending. Enjoy?

As I said in the description this one shot is based off the song 'The Writings on The Walls by Sam Smith.

Warnings: ANGST

One shot

1400 words

You ran down the hall of the Temple seeing the bodies of all your fallen friends and colleagues. You were panicked and scarred. What is happening? You ask yourself seeing as you could tell by the smell of burnt flash this was no ordinary attack, this was done by a fallen Jedi.

You went up and down every hallway to find anyone alive. You could feel so many emotions running through the force, some yours but most were not yours. You could feel panic and rage, the rage was consuming your thoughts but it wasn't yours. At this point you were more scarred than anything. You knew your boyfriend Anakin was at the temple but you couldn't find him. You weren't worried though because you could feel his was still alive unlike so many others that were close to you.

You started to feel Anakin as you ran down a certain hallway so you continued down it.

Anakin I'm here. I'm coming.

You start to get to the room at the end of the hall when you hear a man groaning in pain. You knew who it was the moment he started talking.

"Anakin, you-you were th-the chosen one." You heard Obi-Wan say faintly. You walked into the run to see that Anakins lightsaber was lodged all the way through Obi-Wans chest.

"ANAKIN!" You scream his name for across the room.

"(Y/N)!" Obi-Wan says as loud as he could muster, "Ge-get our of here. RUN!" These would be his last words as Anakin finishes him off by running his lightsaber all the up to his neck.

"A- Ani? What are you doing, my love?" You ask frightened out of your mind. Your hands are trembling and you back up a little to increase even more distance from Anakin. You never wanted to be anywhere but Anakin's arms and now you didn't know what to do. Do you run to him and comfort your boyfriend after he just killed his Master and long time friend. His father figure. Or do you run from the man you have grown up with and loved your entire life? You stayed frozen as he turned to face you, his eyes you could tell had changed. They weren't the beautiful pool of blue you were so very fond of, no, instead they were a horrible yellow and irritated as if  he'd been crying.

"I'm doing was has to be done." He says now looking down. "I did what I had to do." He trails off as if he were to cry. He just kept mumbling under his breathe:

I did what had to be done. I did what had to be done.

"I. DID. WHAT. HAD. TO. BE. DONE, (Y/N)!" He yelled now walking a little closer to you. You back up turning to avoid the man who stood in front of you and ended up cornering yourself into the wall. He could tell how frightened you were so he stopped.

"O-okay, Ani just-" he jumped till he was right in your face.

"Don't call me that." He says through gritted teeth.

"Alight. Okay. Baby look at me." You take his firm warm free hand into your trembling ones. "Babe, I'm scared. I need to know what's going on, okay? I need to know what you want me to do." You kiss his hand and he tugs it away before turning his back to you.

"I- I don't want to kill you, (Y/N). I really really don't want to kill you. But I need to know if you're willing to give up everything you've ever believed in as I have and join me." You looked at him in utter shock. How could he ask this of you? You loved being a Jedi and loved everything that came with being a Jedi. You thought Anakin did too. You had a plan. To be the greatest Jedi till you were ready to marry and start a family. Everything was perfect, so what happened?

You only knew one thing for sure and that was that you loved this mess of man. You start thinking back to all the times you spent together, all the long nights and sweet moments. Memories of running your fingers through his dirty blonde hair and tickling his toned sides to hear his sweet raspy giggles. You loved everything about him. You loved him through his best and now you're definitely seeing him at his worst. He seemed to kill every Jedi in sight so what was left for you here? Death? You always felt the anger in Anakin but you didn't realize how angered he actually was.

"ANSWER ME!" He yells towards you again.

"What Ani? What do you want me to do?" You say with frustration. "I will do anything you want me to do. I'll stay, I'll go, I'll do whatever makes you happy." tears now streaming from your eyes.

"You still.. love me?" He asks in a shocked tone.

"What? Of course I do," you say back in disbelief. "I-I can't breath when you're not with me. I-I can't think straight if you aren't right beside me. When you're not here I'm suffocating. I mean how do you expect me to live without you?" He starts walking towards you slowly. "For you I'd risk everything. Tell me baby, is this the path we're taking?" He is face to face with you once again. You're breathing heavily but for the most part you have calmed your shaky hands. His eyes have now changed back to their beautiful blue tent. He smirks at you before tucking a loose hair behind your ear and rubbing his thumb along your cheek.

"You always make things so much more difficult than they have to be." He says still rubbing your face gently.

"Wh-what do you mean." You say before he pulls you in by the back of the neck and kisses you. The kiss was needy but passionate. You could feel tears rolling down his cheeks which made you whimper into the kiss. This is it. You thought. I am following my love to the dark side. He just held your mouth in place to cherish the touch of your lips in this moment. You were not touching Anakin. You honestly didn't know what to do with the new him. You were afraid to even look at him let alone touch him. He put his forehead on yours as he cried. His eyes were squinted shut tightly and his nose was a bright red. You had never seen him cry this way before, like he had nothing left.

"What's wrong, Ani?" You say now holding onto the back on his neck. He sniffled and tried to catch his breathe. "A-Ani?" He kissed you one last time.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N)." He said trying to calm himself down. You just starred at him numb and frightened.

"For what?" You say with a shaky breath. His breathing started to slow as he tried to come across as composed. He opens his eyes for you to see the yellow tent again. You reached for your light saber knowing now what he was sorry for but you weren't quick enough. You felt the burning sting of Anakin's lightsaber in your chest. At first it burned and then you felt...Nothing. You started to fall but before you could hit the ground Anakin caught you.

"Ani?" Was all you could muster as you lay in his arms. You scrunch your eyebrows looking for an explanation. Tears were still flowing from his eyes.

"You- you are my biggest weakness, (Y/N). And I know this is not what you want, I can feel it. I'm so sorry." He then ducked his head into the crook of your neck kissing you while he cried harder than ever. You lifted your fingers to tap at his arm for him to look at you and he did. You rested your hand on his face.

"For you.. I would have done anything." You say with your last dying breath.

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