A Stormy Night

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(Albert's POV)

I open my eyes, hearing a loud rumble. I slowly sit up in my bed, yawning like my face was gonna fail off. I rub my eyes to try to get them to do something besides closing. I stop rubbing my eyes when a flash of light from a window catches my eye. The light ends just as soon as it started. A loud rumble almost makes me go mute. Can't this damn storm come some other time?  I start to lie back again, when a another flash light makes its dramatic entrance. But this time it's not the light that I just see. But by the looks of it, a newsie sitting in bed. Wrapped up in a blanket.

 Another loud rumble rings outside. I think I heard a silent scream, or it could be just me because i'm always screaming on the inside. I jump down from my bed, the lodge wants to be as loud as possible as I land on the creaky floorboards. I try my best to walk towards the newsie, the creaking of the floor either gets softer or louder. "What the hell are you doing?" Someone whispered. I stop in my tracks and try to use my non existent night vision to see who was up. Another light flashes and I see who it was. My good pal, Race. He was the one sitting on his bed with a blanket over his head. "What are you doing up Race?"

"Well, Da storm-" he gets cut off by a loud rumble. He takes a shaky breath. "Da storm is just keeping me up." He whispers. I sit down on the thin mattress, right by his side. We stay quiet for a while, listening to the storm. A flash of light once again catches my sleepy eyes. I swear I could see something in Race's eyes that I never thought I would see. Fear. A slightly quieter boom rings. I can feel Race taking short, quick breaths. "Woah, hold on a second Racer." I whisper, looking at him in the dark. "Is da fearless Racetrack, not afraid to beat up police. Scared of a little thund'a?"

I could feel the anger from him, he stays quiet for a moment. Then sighs. "Alright fine, I am scared of storms. But that's only because of... bad memories." More rain patters against the window. "Al?" I look to Race. "Promise me that you won't tell any of the fellas about me's fear? And trust me if you do, I got's lots of stuff I can use to blackmail you." 

"Alright, alright!" I say, being to loud for it being so late. "You's secret is safe with me."

For the rest of the night we mostly just sat in silent. Right by each other's side. Whenever there was a rumble or boom I would put my arm around Race and whisper things to him. it's okay, you're fine, da storm can't hurt ya. I could see that the sun was rising or trying to peak through the clouds. "Hey'a Racer, I's think da storm is over." I yawn, I look at Race and see him peacefully sleeping against my shoulder.

(Guess who has finally updated this book? I have been busy writing other stuff, it's something to do with puppies. But anyway, I hope you enjoyed this random story I thought of.)

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