Tree House [2/2] (Modern)

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Jack's eyes widen, he quickly goes to the window and looks to see if anyone was there. Not yet. "What are we going to do?" Davey asked, his voice full of fear. Jack stays silent at the window for a second, thinking. He turns back to the newsies and walks to the middle of the tree house, his shoes squeaking. "NEWSIES!" Jack yelled, all the little heads turn to Jack. "The two butt-heads, Oscar and Morris are coming here. Now-" Jack couldn't even continue his speech because all the newsies started to panic: candy was flying everywhere, cards careless scattered on the floor, and newsies were burying themselves under blankets and pillows. "I WANNA LIVE!" Finch cried while he was rocking back and forth on floor. "EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES!" Race yelled as he took as much candy off the floor as he could. "It was nice knowing all of ya." Crutchie mumbled as he packed up his stuff in the corner. "NEWSIES CALM-" Jack stopped his yelling when the sound of footsteps outside caught everyone's attention. "they're here," Romeo whispered while wrapped in a blanket. "HEY JACK, WHERE ARE YA?" The disgusting voice of Oscar called, every little newsie in the tree house was as quiet as they would ever be. "HE'S NOT HERE!" JoJo yelled at the window. Loud laughing fills the woods, "WE'S KNOW HE'S HERE, COME ON JACK. WE DON'T WANNA PLAY ANY KID GAMES WITH YA. ALL WE WANT FOR YA TO GIVE OUR HALLOWEEN CANDY BACK." Morris yelled. Jack takes a deep breath, he looks at a corner in the room. He never thought they were going to need to use it. But it was time. He whispers to the room. "Newsies, get da weapons ready." Mush, Elmer and Kid Blink got up from their hiding spots. Mush goes to the corner that Jack was looking at; pulling on the wood plank. The wood easily comes off, Mush grabs a plastic box. Jack marched out onto the balcony with Blink, Elmer, and Mush right behind them. "OH, IS THAT DA CANDY?" Morris said with interest, a small smile forms on Jack's lips. "Nope, it's a taste of your own medicine for taking the candy was that ours first away from Crutchie." 

Jack ducks under the box as Blink, Elmer and Mush walk to the edge of the balcony. They rip both the box and start to throw the little things that were inside. The Delancey's cover their heads as millions of Legos hit them. "OW! YOU'S THINK- OW LEGOS ARE GONNA STOP US?" Oscar said as the legos were thickly raining on him. Jack could hear the rest of the newsies inside giggling. But as Jack looked back to see the Delanceys in pain, his stomach drops as he saw Morris's head inches away from the three newsies in front. Somehow he had climbed the latter with all the legos. "WHY AREN'T THE LEGOS WORKING?" Kid Blink said as his hands were throwing legos at the speed of light. "HA! YOU'S THINK LEGOS IS GONNA STOP ME." Morris said as he stepped on the Balcony, the giggling in the tree house was gone. "I'VE BEEN DEALING WITH LEGOS HURTING ME SINCE I WAS AS YOUNG AS THREE!" Horror passes on all the newsies faces. "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TAKE MY CANDY!" Morris takes the box of legos and throws it down on the forest floor. A large slam making all the newsies even more nervous. He faces the scared childern with a wicked grin. He walks toward them, the newsies backing up against the door. Even if they wanted to go back inside the tree house they couldn't now. Jack would risk every newsie getting hurt. Morris grabs Elmer's shirt, holding him up face to face with his ugly face. "Let's see what happens when you drop children..." 

"NO PLEASE!" Elmer cried, he was wiggling as hard as he could; Oscar was laughing evilly down below. Elmer was crying. Morris looks Jack dead in the eyes, "be glad this isn't you Jacky Boy." He holds Elmer over the edge of the balcony, Elmer's face was now covered in tears. Jack, Mush, and Kid Blink had no idea what to do, "Enjoy the fall you little-

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" A woman stepped out of the forest, she was wearing a pink robe, and her hair was in a messy ponytail. It was what the newsies liked to call their mother, Medda Larkin. Looking up at the tree house with her hands on her hips. Now it was the Delancey's turn to be scared. "HEY MEDDA! THEY'S TRYING TO KILL ELMER!" Kid Blink yelled, looking happy to see a adult to help them. Morris quickly put Elmer back on the balcony. Medda walks toward the bottom of the tree house. "OH SO I'M GONNA JUST PRETEND THAT YOU WASN'T JUST TRYING TO KILL A CHILD." Medda yelled, loud enough for some birds to fly away. "LEAVE THESE LITTLE BOYS ALONE AND GET A JOB THAT ISN'T BULLYING THE NEIGHBORHOOD." Morris opened his mouth but nothing came out. He quickly climbs down the latter, falling just a little at the end. Medda gave Morris the most disappointed face she could as he ran away in the forest with Oscar. Jack swears that he saw them falling in the mud. "Are you guys okay?" Medda asked. "Kind of," Mush mumbled as he was hugging Elmer. Medda smiles at the little kids, "well if those brothers ever come back again. Let me know, you kids don't deserve to be treated like that." She walks over to the bucket and drops something in it. "Stay safe boys!" The newsies watch as she walks away into the damp forest.

Kid Blink runs to the dusty rope and starts to pull it up. He brings the bucket right to his face, he looks back up at the newsies with excitement. "LOOK WHAT MEDDA LEFT US!" The four boys gather closer together around the bucket, now they understand why Kid Blink was so excited. In the plastic bucket was little bags that each had a giant cookie. Jack takes a couple of the little bags, then says. "Well what are we's waiting for? Let's bring da cookies inside!" 

The rest of the rainy afternoon was enjoyable for the little newsies. The cookies Medda gave them were warm, and soft, and there were no more big kids trying to take away the candy that wasn't their's in the first place. The newsies were finally at peace for the day. Jack stands up from the floor, looking at all the newsies. "I's would like to make a toast," Jack said, as he took off his cap and held it high in the air. "To Medda for helping us get rid of the Delanceys and giving us the best cookies ever." Everyone joins in taking off their cap and holding it up.


(I feel like fangirling over my own writing, is that weird?)

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